KOF XIII Tournament @ SVB 2011
Courtesy of our fantastic friends at Rising Star Games and SNKP, we are able to bring you the opportunity to play (and compete on) the beta version of King of Fighters XIII on the Xbox 360!
Friday is FREEPLAY
Come try out the game! Format: winner stays on, capped at 2 games.
Registration starts when doors open at 9am. First come first served.
Start time 12:00PM (Midday). If players miss their spot, they will be disqualified.
Tournament System Format: Single Elimination Brackets throughout.
Entry: FREE!!!
Prizes: 1st Place cash prize £300. 2nd and 3rd place prizes TBA. Subject to change.
- People who miss their spot will be instantly disqualified. .
- Because this is the tweaked console version, we will not be employing Ratio Rules (ie you can have K’ and Raiden on the same team etc).
- Groups will be seeded by Alan Francois aka Gunsmith and any disputes settled by him, his word is final.
- This is a beta version and bugs may occur, in such an event, Gunsmith will decide on reset or if time pressing to award the match to one player at his discretion.
Console: Xbox 360
So come on Friday, play the game, have fun, then come back on Saturday and give it your best shot to try and make the finals on Sunday! With free entry and great prizes to win what have you got to lose?
Better make sure you attend Super Versus Battle 20XI to play KOF XIII! This is a UK exclusive!
If you haven’t signed up for Super Versus Battle, you must do so NOW as registrations close by the end of Sunday 31st July. You will only need an entry ticket (£20).