Euro Road to Evo KOF XIII Tournament Format

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Euro Road to Evo KOF XIII Tournament Format

   FGC News   June 19, 2011  4 Comments

This is all thanks to the efforts of the KOF community who have donated to try and get our European winner to EVO. If we don’t get enough to cover the ticket, the winner can’t go.  If you can, please help and donate now.

Friday 24th June: 7.30 PM : Arcade Street – Participaiton fee : 15 euros for the tournament + 3 euros entry

Saturday 25th June: 3.30 PM : Versus Dojo – Participation fee : 15 euros for the tournament + 3 euros entry

Sunday 3rd July: Final 4 : Japan Expo

All the tournaments are : pools are mini tournaments with winners/loosers brackets (like EVO system), then regular double elimination tournament with best two of each pool.

Grand Final is double elimination bracket (semi finals).

All the games are best of 3 games (first to 2)

All the tournaments will be recorded and casted on

Winner will get a plane ticket to Evo or get our donation pot cash prize!

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