Interview with Frionel (WGC KOF XIII Champ)

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Interview with Frionel (WGC KOF XIII Champ)

   FGC News   March 17, 2011  No Comments

Congratulations on winning the tournament, can you tell me how you feel about the event?

Thanks, it wasn’t very difficult, since I had to deal with only one dangerous player (Piccolo-san), the rest were still discovering the game IMO. Next competition will be more interesting I think 🙂

Have you found anything new about XIII since October? 

People started to understand some match up issues (like how strong guard jauge characters can easily deal with Shen…), and Kula is getting more love (as an top tier character, and K’ killer)…

Has the top tier changed?

Hmm about the Tier List, don’t see a lot of changes… But very few Raiden players… It’s really bad since it’s an easy to use character that make you win easily… I think beginners should use him to win and get a little more confidence… Then drop (kick ^^) him if they feel better with other characters…

Can you tell us more about your recent trip to Japan?  Which arcades do you recommend?

For KOF in Tokyo, you have 5 places to try out depending on your expectations :

– Shinjuku’s Carnival (former G-Port Las Vegas) : it’s in the big place around the big theater in Kabukicho : Always crowed with very good XI/2002 UM/XIII/98UM players. You’ll meet famous faces like Kyokugendo, Cap, Oz, Dune, Infinity etc. This is were you’ll find the best average level. (1 play = 50 yens)

– Shibuya’s Kaikan : go straight after the big crossroad, it’s a small arcade with a lot of 2002UM/98UM machines and one XIII. The average level isn’t very high, but the players plays a lot of different characters that you’ll not get the chance to encounter in other places. (1 play = 50 yens)

Yup, I’ve been there, fun place to be with lots of retro games, but strangely no vanilla 98…. – it’s featured here on our guide.  Any more?

– Nishi Nippori’s Gamespot Versus : difficult to find, you’ll need to check their website and write down the adress, then ask for it at the station. It’s where you’ll find the highest KOF level in all Kanto area. The best japanese players gather there every night! It’s the versus hell, and the place where you need to go to check your own level, or just watch amazing games. (1 play = 50 yens)

– Shin Okubo’s Alpha Station : Go left right after the main exit of the station, you’ll find it easily after few steps (red insigna with the alpha letter). It’s like the SNK fan paradise in Tokyo Area. Lot of old SNK games are played there, and the level for some games is amazing (Garou MOTW, Samurai Tenkai, KOF 95, KOF 2000 etc.). If you go on saturday afternoon you’ll meet the best GAROU players that gather there before going to the weekly TRF ranking. You’ll also find lot of 02 UM players, that use a large range of different characters. (1 play = 50 yens)

– Akihabara’s Taito HEY : as you already know this famous game center, the main idea is that it’s one of the only places where you can play KOF against very medium/weak players, and get a chance to set some wins or try new combos/strategies. The center is always full and there is always competition there. You can also experience many games of the series (think it’s the last place where you can find VS on KOF MIRA ^^). All the machines are in perfect shape and everything responds good, but you have to pay the price for it… (1 play = 100 yens). Oh and don’t miss the 10 yens/game KOF 98 cabinet! It’s amazing how the machine is always full with hella good players! If you’re still on 98, you have to try it!

I <3 10 yen corner.  It’s a good meeting point for old skool tourists!  If you remember at SVB 10, the KOF area had a sign that read 10 yen lol.  Well, thanks for the chat, I’ll have to check these out!  See you next time!

Take care!

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