YouTube deletes smoai’s account- a blow to the kof community?

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YouTube deletes smoai’s account- a blow to the kof community?

   FGC News   October 6, 2010  4 Comments

This channel had hundreds of kof XIII videos…

The question is how did smoai ‘violate terms of use’? It is unclear whether they uploaded tougeki videos but that’s the only reason that comes to mind. Even if that was the case, why weren’t just the offending videos removed?

It’s times like this when you have to wonder about all those videos you watched but never kept a copy of…

So which channel is a XIII fan supposed to subscribe to now?

In this day and age of getting older and total apathy, it takes a real fan (or attention seeker) to upload videos. I’m still uploading a back catalogue of videos, but obviously no XIII videos… not until 22nd Oct ;)? Hang tight!

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