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   FGC News   February 19, 2010  2 Comments

Madman said news should hit in February.? I noted that Famitsu had nothing this month and could only hope that SNK were taking their time.? Suddenly, Yuki Yagami reported that a blogger, who apparently has friends in the business, believes that KOF XIII will be revealed at the upcoming AOU show on the 19th and 20th.?? That’s… today.

A little weird that they didn’t announce it.? Does the press even know?? Then why so quiet?? Well, let’s see what news pops up, it won’t take long if it’s not true.? I can’t really navigate the AOU site to even check that SNK is there.



Edit: 19th Feb 16:35 GMT: ShadowTempest did not find SNK listed there, and no sign of XIII news so far on the first reports on the show.


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