SNKHeroines Combos

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by Mikadok

The Combo System

You might be thinking to yourself by this point that the game’s system doesn’t really lend itself well to lengthy combos, since people can get items pretty frequently, and those combos can be interrupted by said items.

While that’s true, part of the draw in doing them is the dynamic itself. Since the items received are almost always random (save for the SP item you get when in “Finish Chance” status), you have to gauge whether or not continuing the beatdown is the smart thing to do in a situation. They may get something that doesn’t help them get you off of them, only giving them back a bit of health or SP, or something that’s easily dealt with, or they might even opt to keep whatever they get to use it at what they feel is a more crucial point in time, so being able to do combos is still just as important here as it can be anywhere else.

For this, we’ll only cover solo combos for characters. There are quite a few team combinations between all the characters, and part of the fun is in finding your own tag based combos.

We WILL, however, cover the basics behind the tag system in regards to combos, so here we go~

Tag System Stuff

– You can do a quick switch to your ally as any physical attack is connecting, whether it’s blocked or not, and as any projectile is being thrown. These quick tags take roughly 2.5 SP bars from the incoming character to do them.

– You do NOT have a large invul window after a quick switch, but you have JUST enough to act immediately from one, allowing you to block or dodge something that’s happening, or even to invul through it, if you know you can.

– Once you’ve tagged in during a combo, doing so again isn’t possible. You CAN, however, set up situations to do raw tags in the middle of combos using certain items, which won’t use up your quick tag opportunity. If you’ve already done one, though, it won’t reset it.

– Tagging in during a combo resets the juggle and wallsplat properties. Whether it’s a raw tag or a quick one during a combo, you can use all normals and special moves with the incoming character to do entire combos again, making knowing your positioning and character specific combos important.

Using Leona and a Mine item as an example, you can hit a close Heavy (both hits), then a Dash Attack to wallsplat them. Set a Mine under them as they crumple. If you try to do another close Heavy with Leona, it will whiff, but if you tag before the Mine explodes, the incoming character can use another close Heavy, and continue from there.

– Last, the most common points you’ll likely see raw tags happening during combos is during the usage of certain items, such as the Mine, Springboard, or Hurricane, with certain SP items, such as Kula’s or Leona’s, to name a couple. The most common points to quick tag usually depend on what exactly you want to go for during a combo, but without items in play, they’re typicially best used when you can launch someone, during moves that give lengthy windows, like Leona’s Baltic Launcher or Mai’s Ryuuenbu, or in some cases, JUST after a tossed projectile. Just remember that you can’t tag out while you’re airborne.

With the basics behind the tag stuff out of the way, we’ll touch on solo combos from different positions and health values (SP values should be max), to give an idea of what you can do to lead in to more stuff. This won’t take items into account.


If it wasn’t clear by the time you hit this point, or you just skipped ahead, we’re going with the usual numeric notations here. For the quick explanation on that, look at the numberpad on the right side of most keyboards. 8 is up, 2 is down, 4 is left, and 6 is right, so if, for example, you see something that says 66, it means to double tap forward.

Other noteworthy notations that will be used are as follows:

IAD = Instant Air Dash

  1. = Close (i.e, doing a Light or Heavy normal right next to the opponent)

far. = Far (i.e, doing a Light or Heavy farther away from the opponent)

xx = Means you cancel into the next move immediately (i.e, 2S xx 5D)

~ = Means you press the next command immediately after (i.e, cl.H~2D)

  1. = Jump Cancel
  2. = Double Jump

walk() = This means you walk in the direction in the ()’s create the distance needed for the next move. So walk(4) means walk back, walk(6) means to walk forward.

dash = This means to dash to close distance.

Also, this should be generally common knowledge, but universally, L,L,H as a chain finishes with a Dash Attack that wallbounces. This will be seen quite a bit.

With all that said, let’s get into it~

Athena combos


Mid-screen, 1000 health

1: IAD.H, L,L,H, j.5S, cl.H, jc.H, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, walk(4), far.H~2S xx 2D (479 damage)

2:  j.H, L,L,H, 66H, cl.H, jc.H, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, walk(4), far.H~2S xx 2D (489 damage)

3: IAD.H, L,L,H, 66H, walk(4), far.H~4S, 66H, cl.H, jc.H, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, 2S xx 2D (518 damage)

Mid-screen, 500 health

1: j.H, L,L,H, far.H~5S, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, 4S, cl.H, jc.5S, 2S xx 2D (522 damage)

2: IAD.H, walk(6), L,cl.H, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, walk(4), far.H~4S, 66H, 5S, 66H, j.5S xx 2D (534 damage)

3: j.H, L,L,H, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, walk(4), far.H~4S, 66H, 5S, 66H, cl.H, jc.5S, 2S xx 2D (557 damage)

Opponent in corner, 1000 health

1: j.H, L,L,H, cl.H, jc.H, 66H, 5S, dash, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, 2D (476 damage)

2: j.H, L,L,H, cl.H, 66H, dash, IAD.H, 66H, dash, IAD.L, 66H, walk(4), far.H~4S, 66H, 2D (508 damage)

3: j.H, L,L,H, cl.H~5S, dash, 66H, dash, IAD.H, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, walk(4), far.H~4S, 66H, 2D (510 damage)

Opponent in corner, 500 health

1: j.H, L,cl.H, 66H, walk(4), far.H~4S, 66H, 5S, 66H, j.5S xx 2D (487 damage)

2: j.H, L,L,H, cl.H~5S, dash, 66H, dash, IAD.H, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, walk(4), far.H~4S, 66H, 2S xx 2D (524 damage)

3: j.H, L,L,H, cl.H, jc.H, 66H, 5S, dash, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, walk(4), far.H~4S, 66H, 2S xx 2D (532 damage)

Corner-to-Corner, 1000 health

1: L,L,H, IAD.H, 66H, dash, IAD.L, 66H, walk(4), far.H~4S, 66H, cl.H, 66H, 2D (479 damage)

2: L,L,H, dash, 66H, dash, IAD.H, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, walk(4), far.H~4S, 66H, cl.H, 66H, 2D (497 damage)

Corner-to-Corner, 500 health

1: L,L,H, IAD.H, 66H, dash, IAD.L, 66H, walk(4), far.H~4S, 66H, 5S, 66H, cl.H, 66H, 2S xx 2D (517 damage)

2: L,L,H, dash, 66H, dash, IAD.H, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, walk(4), far.H~4S, 66H, 5S, 66H, cl.H, 66H, 2S xx 2D (535 damage)

Kula combos


Mid screen, 1000 health

1: j.H, L,cl.H(both hits), jc, IAD.L, 66H, far.H~6S~2S, cl.H(one hit), jc.H, 66H, 5D (478 damage)

2: j.H, L,L,H, 66H, 6S~2S, cl.H(one hit), jc.H, 66H, cl.H(2nd hit), jc, IAD.L, 66H, walk(4), far.H~6S~2S xx 2D (516 damage)

3: j.H, L,L,H, 66H, walk(4), far.H~6S~2S, cl.H(one hit), jc.H, 66H, cl.H(2nd hit), jc, IAD.L, 66H, 2S(both hits) xx 5D (521 damage)

Mid screen, 500 health

1: j.H, L,cl.H(both hits), jc, IAD.L, 66H, far.H~6S~2S, cl.H(one hit), jc.H, 66H, 6S~2S, 4S, 2S(both hits) xx 5D (533 damage)

2: j.H, L,L,H, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, walk(4), far.H~6S~2S, cl.H(one hit), jc.H, 66H, 6S~2S, 4S, 2S(both hits) xx 5D (541 damage)

3: j.H, L,L,H, 66H, 6S~2S, cl.H(one hit), jc.H, 66H, cl.H(2nd hit), jc, IAD.L, 66H, walk(4), far.H~6S~2S(both hits), 4S, 2S(both hits) xx 5D (550 damage)

Opponent in corner, 1000 health

1: j.H, L,L,H, cl.H(one hit), jc, IAD.L, 66H, cl.H(2nd hit), jc, IAD.H, 66H, 6S~2S xx 5D (459 damage)

2: j.H, L,L,H, cl.H(one hit), jc.H, 66H, cl.H(2nd hit), jc, IAD.L, 66H, walk(4), far.H~6S~2S xx 5D (477 damage)

3: j.H, L,cl.H(both hits), jc, IAD.L, 66H, walk(4), far.H~6S~2S, cl.H(one hit), jc.H, 66H, 5D (478 damage)

Opponent in corner, 500 health

1: j.H, L,L,H, cl.H(one hit), jc.H, 66H,  cl.H(2nd hit), jc, IAD.L, 66H, walk(4), far.H~6S~2S, 4S, 2S(both hits) xx 5D (511 damage)

2: j.H, L,cl.H(both hits), jc, IAD.L, 66H, walk(4), far.H~6S~2S, cl.H(one hit), jc.H, 66H, 6S~2S, 4S, 2S(both hits) xx 5D (533 damage)

3: j.H, L,cl.H(two hits), jc, IAD.H, 66H, walk(4), far.H~6S~2S, cl.H(one hit), jc, IAD.L, 66H, 6S~2S, 4S, 2S(both hits) xx 5D (542 damage)

Corner-to-Corner, 1000 health

1: L,L,H, IAD.L, 6S~2S, cl.H(one hit), jc.H, 66H, 5D (414 damage)

2: L,L,H, IAD.L, 66H, dash, IAD.H, 66H, 2S xx 5D (427)

Corner-to-Corner, 500 health

1: L,L,H, IAD.L, 6S~2S, cl.H, jc.H, 66H, cl.H(2nd hit), 6S~2S, 4S, 2S(both hits) xx 5D (476 damage)

2: L,L,H, 66H, dash, IAD.L, 66H, 6S~2S, cl.H(one hit), jc.H, 66H, cl.H(2nd hit), 6S~2S, 4S, 2S(both hits) xx 5D (511 damage)

Mai combos


Mid-screen, 1000 health

1: j.H, L,L,L~j.S, 66H, cl.H, jc.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 4S, 66H, 5D (502 damage)

2: j.H, cl.H, jc.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 4S, 66H, 5D (528 damage)

3: j.H, cl.H, jc.L, 66H, j.S, 66H, 4S, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 5D (566 damage)

Mid-screen, 500 health

1: j.H, L,L,L~j.S, 66H, 5S, cl.H, jc.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 4S, 66H, 6S xx j.D (538 damage)

2: j.H, L,L,L~j.S, 66H, cl.H, jc.L~j.S, 66H, IAD.H~j.S, 66H, 4S, 66H, j.S, 66H, 5D (560 damage)

3: j.H, cl.H, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H~j.S, 66H, 4S, 66H, j.S, 66H, 5S xx 2D (601 damage)

Opponent in corner, 1000 health

1: j.H, L,L,L~j.S, 66H, 4S, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, cl.H, 66H, 5D (521 damage)

2: j.H, cl.H, jc.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 4S, 66H, 2D (528 damage)

3: j.H, cl,H, jc.L~j.S, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 4S, 66H, 2D (555 damage)

Opponent in corner, 500 health

1: j.H, L,L,L~j.S, 66H, 4S, 66H, IAD.L~j.S, 66H, IAD.H~j.S, 66H, 5S, cl.H, 66H, 5D (561 damage)

2: j.H, 4S, 66H, IAD.L~j.S, 66H, IAD.H~j.S, 66H, 5S, cl.H, jc.S, 66H, 2D (604 damage)

3: j.H, 4S, 66H, IAD.L~j.S, 66H, IAD.H~j.S, 66H, 5S, cl.H, 66H, 6S, j.D (613 damage)

Corner-to-Corner, 1000 health

1: L,L,L~j.S, 66H, dash, IAD.H, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, 4S, 66H, 2D (469 damage)

2; L,cl.H~4S, 66H, dash, IAD.H, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, 6S xx j.D (480 damage)

Corner-to-Corner, 500 health

1: L,L,L~j.S, 66H, dash, IAD.H, 66H, 4S, 66H, 5S, cl.H, jc.L~j.S, 66H, 6S, j.D (532 damage)

2: L,L,L~j.S, 66H, dash, IAD.H, 66H, IAD.L~j.S, 66H, cl.H, 66H, 4S, 66H, j.S, 66H, 6S xx j.D (566 damage)

Nakoruru combos


Mid-screen, 1000 health

1: j.H, L,L,H, walk(6), far.H~5S, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, cl.H, 2D (488 damage)

2: j.H, L,L,H, 6S, 6S, cl.H, jc.H, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, 2D (493 damage)

3: j.H, L,L,H, 66H, 6S, cl.H, jc.H, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, 6S xx 2D (496 damage)

Mid-screen, 500 health

1: j.H, L,L,H, 6S, 6S, cl.H, jc.H, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, 2S xx 5D (511 damage)

2: j.H, L,L,H, 66H, far.H~5S, 6S, cl.H, jc.H, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, 6S xx 2D (515 damage)

3: j.H, L,L,H, walk(6), far.H~5S, 6S, 6S, cl.H, jc.H, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, 6S xx 2D (524 damage)

Opponent in corner, 1000 health

1: j.H, L,cl.H, jc.H, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, walk(4), far.H~6S xx 2D (469 damage)

2: j.H, L,L,H, walk(4), cl.H, jc.H, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, walk(4), far.H~6S xx 2D (482 damage)

3: j.H, L,L,L~6S, cl.H, jc.H, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, walk(4), far.H~6S xx 2D (501 damage)

Opponent in corner, 500 health

1: j.H, L,L,H, walk(4), cl.H, jc.H, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, walk(4), far.H~6S, 5S, 2S xx 5D (508 damage)

2: j.H, L,L,L~4S, far.H~5S, 6S, cl.H, jc.H, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, 6S xx 2D (526 damage)

3: j.H, L,L,L~6S, cl.H, jc.H, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, walk(4), far.H~6S, 5S, 2S xx 5D (527 damage)

Corner-to-Corner, 1000 health

1: L,L,H, IAD.L, 66H, dash, IAD.H, 66H, walk(4), far.H~6S, cl.H, 2D (447 damage)

2: L,L,H, IAD.H, 66H, IAD, far.H~6S, cl.H, jc.L, 66H, 2D (456 damage)

Corner-to-Corner, 500 health

1: L,L,H, IAD.L, 66H, dash, IAD.H, 66H, walk(4), far.H~6S, cl.H, 6S xx 2D (463 damage)

2: L,L,H, IAD.H, 66H, IAD, far.H~6S, cl.H, jc.L, 5S, 6S xx 2D (464 damage)

Love combos


Mid-screen, 1000 health

1: j.H, L,L,H, 6S, far.H~6S, cl.H, jc.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 5D (501 damage)

2: j.H, L,L,L~6S, far.H~6S, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 2D (510 damage)

3: j.H, L,L,H, 66H, far.H~6S, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 5S xx 5D (515 damage)

Mid-screen, 500 health

1: j.H, L,L,H, 66H, far.H~6S, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 2S xx 2D (511 damage)

2: j.H, L,L,L~6S, far.H~5S, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 5S(one hit) xx 2D (522 damage)

3: j.H, L,L,H, 66H, far.H~6S, 66H, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 5S, 2S xx 2D (547 damage)

Opponent in corner, 1000 health

1: j.H, L,L,L~6S, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 2S xx 2D (488 damage)

2: j.H, L,L,H, cl.H, IAD.L, 5S, far.H~6S, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 2D (499 damage)

Opponent in corner, 500 health

1: j.H, L,L,L~6S, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 5S, 2S xx 2D (508 damage)

2: j.H, L,L,H, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 5S, far.H~6S, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 2S xx 2D (515 damage)

Corner-to-Corner, 1000 health

1: L,L,H, 66H, dash, IAD.H, 66H, dash, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, 6S xx 5D (459 damage)

2: L,L,H, 66H, dash, IAD.H, 66H, 5S, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, 2D (459 damage)

Corner-to-Corner, 500 health

1: L,L,H, 66H, dash, IAD.H, 66H, 5S, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, 6S xx 2D (477 damage)

2: L,L,H, 66H, dash, IAD.H, 66H, dash, far.H~6S, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, 6S, 2S xx 2D (507 damage)

Leona combos


Mid-screen, 1000 health

1: j.H, L,L,H, far.H~6S, cl.H(one hit), jc.H, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, cl.H(2nd hit), 5S, 66H, 5D (516 damage)

2: j.H, L,L,H, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, cl.H(one hit)~5S, 66H, cl.H(2nd hit), 66H, 5D (517 damage)

3: j.H, walk(6), L,L,H, far.H~5S, 66H, cl.H(one hit)~5S, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, cl.H(2nd hit), 66H, 5D (552 damage)

Mid-screen, 500 health

1: j.H, L,L,H, far.H~6S, cl.H(one hit)~5S, 66H, 5S, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, cl.H(2nd hit)~5S, 66H, 5D (602 damage)

2: j.H, walk(6), L,L,H, far.H~5S, 66H, 5S, 66H, cl.H(one hit)~5S, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, cl.H(2nd hit), 66H, 6S xx 5D (608 damage)

3: j.H, L,L,H, 66H, 5S, 66H, cl.H(one hit)~5S, 66H, 5S, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, cl.H(2nd hit)~5S, 66H, 5D (624 damage)

Opponent in corner, 1000 health

1: j.H, L,cl.H(one hit)~6S, cl.H(one hit), jc.H, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, cl.H(2nd hit)~5S, 66H, 5D (475 damage)

2: j.H, L,L,H, cl.H(one hit)~5S, IAD.L, 66H, dash, IAD.H, 66H, walk(6), cl.H(2nd hit), 66H, 6S xx 5D (482 damage)

Opponent in corner, 500 health

1: j.H, L,L,H, cl.H(one hit)~5S, dash, 66H, dash, IAD.H, 66H, dash, cl.H(2nd hit)~5S, 66H, 5S, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, 5D (555 damage)

2: j.H, L,cl.H(one hit)~6S, 66H, cl.H(one hit)~5S, 66H, 5S, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, cl.H(2nd hit)~5S, 66H, 5D (574 damage)

Corner-to-Corner, 1000 health

1: L,L,H, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, cl.H(1st hit)~5S, 66H, cl.H(2nd hit), 66H, 5D (476 damage)

2: L,L,H, dash, 66H, dash, IAD.H, 66H, cl.H(1st hit)~5S, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, cl.H(2nd hit), 66H, 5D (498 damage)

Corner-to-Corner, 500 health

1: L,L,H, IAD.H, 66H, 6S, cl.H(1st hit)~5S, 66H, 5S, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, cl.H(2nd hit)~5S, 66H, 5D (564 damage)

2: L,L,H, IAD.H, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, 5S, 66H, cl.H(1st hit)~5S, 66H, 5S, 66H, cl.H(2nd hit), 66H, 5D (566 damage)

Mui Mui combos


Mid-screen, 1000 health

1: j.H, L,L,L~5S,5S,5S, far.H, 5S,5S,5S, cl.H, jc.L, 66H, dash, IAD.H, 66H, 5D (471 damage)

2: j.H, L,L,H, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, cl.H~2S, 66H, 5D (486 damage)

3: j.H, L,L,H, far.H, 2S, 66H, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 5S,5S,5S xx 5D (516 damage)

Mid-screen, 500 health

1: j.H, L,L,H, 66H, far.H, 66H, cl.H~2S, 66H, 5S,5S,5S, 2D (493 damage)

2: j.H, L,L,H, 66H, 5S,5S,5S, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, dash, IAD.H, 66H, dash, far.H, 2S, 5D (501 damage)

3: j.H, L,L,H, 66H, far.H, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 5S,5S,5S, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, 5D (513 damage)

Opponent in corner, 1000 health

1: j.H, L,L,L~4S, far.H, cl.H~2S, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 5D (452 damage)

2: j.H, L,L,L~5S,5S,5S, 5S,5S,5S, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, dash, IAD.H, 66H, dash, far.H, 2D (454 damage)

3: j.H, L,L,L~4S, walk(6), far.H, 5S,5S,5S, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, dash, IAD.H, 66H, 5D (464 damage)

Opponent in corner, 500 health

1: j.H, L,L,L~5S,5S,5S, 2S, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 5S,5S,5S, 2D (469 damage)

2: j.H, L,L,L~4S, far.H, 5S,5S,5S, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, dash, IAD.H, 66H, dash, 2S, 5D (476 damage)

3: j.H, L,L,L~5S,5S,5S, 5S,5S,5S, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, dash, IAD.H, 66H, dash, far.H, 2S, 2D (481 damage)

Corner-to-Corner, 1000 health

1: L,L,H, 2S, 5S,5S,5S, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, cl.H, 2D, 463 damage)

2: L,L,H, 2S, 66H, dash, IAD.H, 66H, 5S,5S,5S, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, 5D (476 damage)

Corner-to-Corner, 500 health

1: L,L,H, dash, 5S,5S,5S, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, cl.H~2S, 66H, 5D (450 damage)

2: L,L,H, 2S, 5S,5S,5S, far.H, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, cl.H, 5D (477 damage)

Luong combos


Mid-screen, 1000 health

1: j.H, L,cl.H, jc, IAD.H, 66H, IAD.L, cl.H~2S, 2D (451 damage)

2: j.H, L,L,L~4S, far.H, jc, IAD.H, 66H, IAD.L, cl.H~2S, 2D (456 damage)

3: j.H, L,L,H, 4S, far.H, jc, IAD.H, 66H, IAD.L, cl.H~2S, 5D (462 damage)

Mid-screen, 500 health

1: j.H, L,L,L~4S, far.H, jc, IAD.H~j.S, 66H, IAD.L, 2S, cl.H~5S xx 2D (484 damage)

2: j.H, L,cl.H, jc, IAD.H~j.S, 66H, IAD.L, 2S, cl.H~4S, 2D (490 damage)

3: j.H, L,L,H, 4S, far.H, jc.H~j.S, 66H, IAD.L, 2S, cl.H~5S xx 2D (490 damage)

Opponent in corner, 1000 health

1: j.H, L,L,L~4S, far.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, cl.H~2S, 2D (453 damage)

2: j.H, L,cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, cl.H~2S, 2D (461 damage)

3: j.H, L,L,H, cl.H~4S, far.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 5S xx 2D (485 damage)

Opponent in corner, 500 health

1: j.H, L,cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, cl.H~4S, 2S, 5D (473 damage)

2: j.H, L,L,H, cl.H~4S, far.H, jc.L~j.S, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 2S, 5D (502 damage)

3: j.H, L,cl.H, jc, IAD.H~j.S, IAD.L~j.S, 66H, cl.H~4S, 2S, 5D (512 damage)

Corner-to-Corner, 1000 health

1: L,L,H, IAD.H~j.S, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, cl.H~2S, 2D (460 damage)

2: L,cl.H, jc, IAD.L~j.S, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, cl.H~4S, 2D (471 damage)

Corner-to-Corner, 500 health

1: L,L,H, IAD.H~j.S, IAD.L~j.S, 66H, cl.H~4S, 2S, 5D (475 damage)

2: L,L,H, IAD.H~j.S, 66H, IAD.L~j.S, 66H, cl.H~4S, 2S, 5D (488 damage)

Sylvie combos


Mid-screen, 1000 health

1: j.H, L,L~5S, cl.H, jc.L, 66H, far.H~4S, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 5D (475 damage)

2: j.H, L,L,L~5S, far.H~4S, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, cl.H, jc.H, 66H, 5D (489 damage)

3: j.H, L,L,H, 66H, far.H~4S, cl.H, jc.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 6S xx 5D (509 damage)

Mid-screen, 500 health

1: j.H, L,L,H, j.H, cl.H~5S, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, 4S, 66H, 6S xx 5D (504 damage)

2: j.H, L,L,L~5S, far.H~4S, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 5S, 66H, cl.H, 6S xx 5D (515 damage)

3: j.H, L,L,H, 66H, far.H~4S, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, cl.H~5S, 66H, 6S xx 5D (551 damage)

Opponent in corner, 1000 health

1: j.H, L,L,L~4S, 66H, cl.H, jc.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 6S xx 5D (495 damage)

2: j.H, L,L,H, cl.H~4S, 66H, dash, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 6S xx 5D (506 damage)

Opponent in corner, 500 health

1: j.H, L,L,L~5S, walk(6), cl.H, jc.L, 66H, IAD.H, 5S, 66H, 4S, 66H, 6S xx 5D (494 damage)

2: j.H, L,L,H, cl.H~4S, 66H, dash, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 5S, 66H, 6S xx 5D (516 damage)

Corner-to-Corner, 1000 health

1: L,L,L~5S, cl.H, jc.L, 66H, dash, IAD.H, 66H, walk(6), 4S, 66H, 5D (445 damage)

2: L,L,H, IAD.L, 66H, dash, IAD.H, 66H, cl.H~4S, 66H, 5D (449 damage)

Corner-to-Corner, 500 health

1: L,L,L~5S, 4S, 66H, dash, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 5S, 66H, 6S xx 5D (461 damage)

2: L,L,H, IAD.H, 4S, 66H, dash, IAD.L, 66H, cl.H~5S, 66H, 6S xx 5D (489 damage)

Yuri combos


Mid-screen, 1000 health

1: j.H, L,L,L~2S, 2S, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 2D (446 damage)

2: j.H, L,L,H, walk(6), far.H~5S, 66H, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 2D (488 damage)

3: j.H, L,L,H, 66H, 4S~S, 66H, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 2S xx 2D (497 damage)

Mid-screen, 500 health

1: j.H, L,L,L~2S, far.H~4S~L, 66H, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 5S, 2S xx 2D (513 damage)

2: j.H, L,L,H, far.H~5S, 66H, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 4S~S, 66H, 2S xx 2D (524 damage)

3: j.H, L,L,L~2S, far.H~5S, 66H, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 4S~L, 66H, 2S xx 2D (528 damage)

Opponent in corner, 1000 health

1: j.H, L,L,H, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, dash, IAD.H, 66H, 4S~L, 66H, 2D (474 damage)

2: j.H, L,L,H, cl.H~4S~L, 66H, dash, IAD.H, 66H, dash, far.H~4S~H, 2D (484 damage)

Opponent in corner, 500 health

1: j.H, L,L,H, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, dash, IAD.H, 4S~H, 66H, 5S, 2S xx 2D (480 damage)

2: j.H, L,L,H, cl.H~4S~H, 66H, dash, IAD.H, 66H, 4S~L, 66H, 5S, 2S xx 2D (508 damage)

Corner-to-Corner, 1000 health

1: L,L,L~2S, 2S, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 2D (419 damage)

2: L,L,H, 66H, dash, IAD.H, 66H, 4S~L, 66H, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, 2D (465 damage)

Corner-to-Corner, 500 health

1: L,L,L~2S, 2S, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 4S~L, 66H, 2S xx 2D (455 damage)

2: L,L,H, 66H, dash, IAD.H, 4S~H, cl.H, jc.L, 66H, 4S~L, 66H, 5S, 2S xx 2D (482 damage)

Zarina combos


Mid-screen, 1000 health

1: j.H, L,L,L~2S, 66H, far.H~5S, cl.H, jc, IAD.H, IAD.L, 66H, 2D (475 damage)

2: j.H, L,L,L~2S, 66H, far.H~5S, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 2D (491 damage)

3: j.H, L,L,H, 66H, dash, far.H~5S, cl.H, jc, IAD.H, IAD.L, 66H, 2S, 66H, 2D (504 damage)

Mid-screen, 500 health

1: j.H, L,L,L~2S, 66H, far.H~5S, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 5S xx 2D (500 damage)

2: j.H, L,L,H, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 2S, 66H, 5S, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, 5S xx 2D (516 damage)

3: j.H, L,L,H, 66H, walk(6), far.H~5S, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 2S, 66H, 6S xx 2D (536 damage)

Opponent in corner, 1000 health

1: j.H, L,L,L~2S, 66H, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 5S xx 5D (477 damage)

2: j.H, L,L,H, 2S, 66H, dash, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 5S, cl.H, 66H, 2D (503 damage)

Opponent in corner, 500 health

1: j.H, L,L,H, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, dash, IAD.H, 66H, dash, far.H~5S, 2S, 66H, 5S xx 2D (517 damage)

2: j.H, L,L,H, 2S, 66H, dash, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 5S, cl.H, 66H, 6S xx 2D (519 damage)

Corner-to-Corner, 1000 health

1: L,L,H, IAD.L, 66H, dash, IAD.H, 66H, far.H~2S, 66H, 5D (447 damage)

2: L,L,L~2S, 66H, dash, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 5S, cl.H, 66H, 5D (466 damage)

Corner-to-Corner, 500 health

1: L,L,L~2S, 66H, dash, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 5S, cl.H, 66H, 5S xx 2D (475 damage)

2: L,L,H, IAD.L, 66H, dash, IAD.H, 66H, far.H~5S, cl.H, 66H, 2S, 66H, 5S xx 2D (502 damage)

Mian combos


Mid-screen, 1000 health

1: j.H, L,L,L~5S, far.H~6S~H, cl.H, jc, IAD.H, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, 2D (474 damage)

2: j.H, L,L,L~5S, far.H~4S, cl.H, jc, IAD.H, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, 2D (479 damage)

3: j.H, L,L,H, far.H~4S, IAD.H, 66H, cl.H~4S, IAD.L, 66H, 2D (493 damage)

Mid-screen, 500 health

1: j.H, L,L,L~5S, far.H~6S~H, cl.H, jc, IAD.H, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, 2S xx 2D (482 damage)

2: j.H, L,L,H, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, cl.H~4S, IAD.L, 66H, 2S xx 2D (487 damage)

3: j.H, L,L,L~5S, far.H~4S, IAD.H, 66H, cl.H~4S, IAD.L, 66H, 2S xx 2D (505 damage)

Opponent in corner, 1000 health

1: j.H, L,L,L~5S, cl.H, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 2S xx 2D (455 damage)

2: j.H, L,L,L~5S, 66H, cl.H~4S, IAD.H, 66H, 2D (460 damage)

Opponent in corner, 500 health

1: j.H, L,L,L~5S, cl.H~6S~S, 66H, 2S xx 2D (445 damage)

2: j.H, L,L,L~5S, cl.H~4S, backdash, far.H~4S, IAD.H, 66H, 2S xx 2D (490 damage)

Corner-to-Corner, 1000 health

1:  L,L,L~5S, far.H~4S, dash, IAD.L, 66H, cl.H, 2D (431 damage)

2: L,L,H, 66H, dash, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, cl.H~4S, 2D (453 damage)

Corner-to-Corner, 500 health

1: L,L,L~5S, far.H~4S, walk(6), IAD.L, 66H, cl.H~4S, IAD.H, 66H, 5S xx 2D (455 damage)

2: L,L,L~5S, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, far.H~4S, IAD.H, 66H, 5S xx 5D (462 damage)

Shermie combos

NOTE: Due to the nature of Shermie’s playstyle, combos without tagging or items involved are much more limited, thus the smaller section.



1: j.H, L,cl.H, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 6S xx 2D (474 damage)

2: j.H, L,L,H, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, cl.H, jc, j.S xx 5D (485 damage)

3: j.H, L,L,H, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, cl.H, 66H, 6S xx 2D (498 damage)

Opponent in corner

j.H, cl.H, jc, IAD.H, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, j.S xx 2D (528 damage)


L,cl.H, jc.L, 66H, dash, IAD.H, 66H, dash, far.H~6S xx 2D (451 damage)

Terry combos

Mid-screen, 1000 health

1: j.H, L,L,L~4S, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 6S xx 2D (455 damage)

2: j.H, L,L,H, far.H~5S, 66H, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 2D (488 damage)

3: j.H, L,L,H, far.H~4S. cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 6S xx 2D (510 damage)

Mid-screen, 500 health

1: j.H, L,L,L~4S, 5S, far.H~6S, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 2S xx 5D (484 damage)

2: j.H, L,L,H, 66H, 4S, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 5S, 6S xx 2D (488 damage)

3: j.H, L,L,H, far.H~4S. cl.H, jc, IAD.L. 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 5S, 6S, xx 2D (518 damage)

Opponent in corner, 1000 health

1: j.H, L,L,L~4S, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 6S xx 2D (455 damage)

2: j.H, L,L,H, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, dash, IAD.H, 66H, 6S xx 2D (468 damage)

Opponent in corner, 500 health

1: j.H, L,L,L~4S, 5S, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 6S xx 2D (462 damage)

2: j.H, L,L,H, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, far.H~4S, 5S, 6S xx 2D (496 damage)

Corner-to-Corner, 1000 health

1: L,L,H, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, cl.H~4S, 2D (457 damage)

2: L,L,H, dash, far.H~4S, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 6S xx 2D (488 damage)

Corner-to-Corner, 500 health

1: L,L,H, 66H, dash, far.H~5S, 4S, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 6S xx 2D (497 damage)

2: L,L,H, 66H, dash, far.H~4S, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 5S, 6S xx 2D (510 damage)

Thief Arthur combos

Mid-screen, 1000 health

1: j.H, L,cl.H, jc, IAD.H, dash, cl.H~2S, 66H, 5D (439 damage)

2: j.H, cl.H, jc.H, cl.H, jc.H, dj.H~2S xx j.D (502 damage)

3: j.H, cl.H, IAD, cl.H, IAD.H, 66H, 2S, 66H, 5D (523 damage)

Mid-screen, 500 health

1: j.H, L,cl.H~5S, dash, 66H, far.H~5S, 2S, 66H, 5D (445 damage)

2: j.H, L,L,L, 66H, far.H~5S, 2S, 66H, 6S xx 5D (461 damage)

3: cl.H, jc, IAD, cl.H, jc, IAD.H, dash, cl.H, jc, IAD.H, cl.H, jc.H~j.S, j.L~j.H, 2S, 66H, 6S xx 5D (598 damage)

Opponent in corner, 1000 health

1: j.H, L,L,L, cl.H, jc.L~j.H, dj.L~j.H~j.2S xx j.D (430 damage)

2: cl.H, jc.H, 66H, cl.H, jc.H, 66H, cl.H~2S, 66H, 5D (548 damage)

Opponent in corner, 500 health

1: cl.H, jc.H, cl.H, jc.H~j.S, j.L~j.H, j.L~j.H, dj.L~j.H~j.2S xx j.D (530 damage)

2: cl.H, jc, IAD, cl.H~5S, cl.H, jc, IAD.H, 66H, cl.H~2S, 66H, 6S xx 5D (567 damage)

Corner-to-Corner, 1000 health

1: L,L,L, jc.H, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 2S, 66H, 5D (436 damage)

2: cl.H~5S, IAD.H, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 2S, 66H, 5D (538 damage)

Corner-to-Corner, 500 health

1: L,L,L~5S, 66H, dash, IAD.H, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 2S, 66H, 6S xx 5D (470 damage)

2: cl.H, jc, IAD, cl.H, jc, IAD.H, dash, cl.H, jc, IAD.H, 66H, 5S, 66H, 2S, 66H, 6S xx 5D (589 damage)

Skullomania combos

Mid-screen, 1000 health

1: j.H, L,L,L~6S~66, j.L, far.H~5S, cl.H, jc, IAD.H, 66H, 5D (464 damage)

2: j.H, L,L,L~6S~66, j.L, 66H, cl.H, jc, IAD.H, 66H, 2S xx 2D (466 damage)

3: j.H, L,L,H, far.H~5S, 66H, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, 6S, 66, j.H, 66H, 5D (508 damage)

Mid-screen, 500 health

1: j.H, L,L,H, 5S, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, dash, far.H~6S~66, j.H, 66H, 2S~5S xx 2D (505 damage)

2: j.H, L,L,H, 66H, walk(4), far.H~5S, 66H, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 2S~5S xx 2D (527 damage)

3: j.H, L,L,H, far.H~5S, 66H, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, 6S~66~j.H, 66H, 2S~5S xx 2D (531 damage)

Opponent in corner, 1000 health

1: j.H, L,L,L~6S~66~j.H, walk(4), far.H~5S, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, 5D (468 damage)

2: j.H, L,L,H, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, dash, far.H~6S~66~j.H, 66H, 5D (480 damage)

Opponent in corner, 500 health

1: j.H, L,L,L~6S~66~j.H, 66H, 5S, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, 2S~5S xx 2D (492 damage)

2: j.H, L,L,L~6S~66~j.H, walk(4), far.H~5S, 66H, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, 2S~5S xx 2D (507 damage)

Corner-to-Corner, 1000 health

1: L,L,H, IAD.L, 66H, dash, far.H~6S~66~j.H, 66H, 5D (437 damage)

2: L,L,H, 5S, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, walk(4), far.H~6S~66~j.H, 66H, 5D (461 damage)

Corner-to-Corner, 500 health

1: L,L,H, 6S~66, far.H~5S, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 2S~5S xx 2D (494 damage)

2: L,L,H, dash, far.H~5S, 66H, dash, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, 6S~66~j.H, 66H, 2S~5S xx 2D (508 damage)


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