Robert Guide KOFXIV

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 by Gillstolemyride



Best Position: Point Mid Anchor

Best Tools:

  • Completely safe EX Decider kek


– Light and hard fireball do the same damage

– Heavy hien senpuu kyaku does more damage (119) then light (94) but light combos from stlp, punishable.

– Light Hien senpuu kyaku – safe on block (lk)

– Backdash divekick in the corner seems to be legit

– Heavy kicks bnb do more damage than shp bnb.

– Low starters crlkx2 is better than crlk,crlp for both damage and range (58-53)

– raw overhead (forward a) isn’t cancellable. forward a cancelled from other moves is cancellable but not overhead. (overhead punishable,cancel into divekick for safeness, overhead into dive is a true blockstring)

– the string clsthp,fwdA,light or heavy divekick is safe on block. CROSSUPS: jlk is the crossup of choice, very tight though.

ANTI AIR: normals: vertical – sthk,crhp,clstlk,light dp, ex dp, climax horizontal

– stlp,heavy dp, ex dp situational

– divekick, heavy hien senpuu kyaku far jumps- ranbu, light or heavy fireball close jumps

– haouh shou hoken, heavy fireball, climax Dp**DM is actually legit use light DM for ranbu (251) and light for haouh sho hoken (260)

example: jhk,sthk,fwdb**haouh shou hoken 366 jhk,sthp,fwdb**Haouh sho hoken 342








LP “Light Punch”

  • Crouch :
  • Stand :
  • Far :
  • Hop :
  • Jump : same



LK “Light Kick”

  • Crouch :
  • Stand :
  • Far :
  • Hop :
  • Jump : same



HP “Heavy Punch”

  • Crouch :
  • Stand :
  • Far :
  • Hop :
  • Jump : same



HK “Heavy Kick”

  • Crouch :
  • Stand :
  • Far :
  • Hop :
  • Jump : same



HPHK “CD Blowback”

  • Stand:
  • Air:


Command Normals

? LPname”

  • Overhead


?LK “name”

  • Won’t cancel out of chain


?? P “Hikiokoshi”

  • Use after Headbutt or Rolling Sobat

bk fwd dwn df ufdb ub db-uf qcf QCB qcbHCF hcf HCB DP RDP.360 HCBFWD QCFHCB QCBHCF flashkicksonicboom hcfbk holddown up- dwn qcdqcbd ddf



P “name” [EX]

  • Poke/anti/counter/grab
  • S5,A20,R14
  • It’s…
  • EX is…



P “name” [EX]

  • Poke/anti/counter/grab
  • S5,A20,R14
  • It’s…
  • EX is…



P “name” [EX]

  • Poke/anti/counter/grab
  • S5,A20,R14
  • It’s…
  • EX is…


bk fwd dwn df ufdb ub db-uf qcf QCB qcbHCF hcf HCB DP RDP.360 QCFHCB QCBHCF

Supers & Climax

HCB x2 P “name [Max]

  • Type
  • Max version is..
  • .


QCBHCFK “name”

  • A


HCBx2 KK “name” Climax

  • Notes


Best Combos


0 bars 

  • crlkx2**hien senpuukyaku 159 (0 on hit)
  • crlk**dp 159 (but cancellable in super, 291 for haou – shou hoken, 282 for ranbu) can sacrifice damage for corner carry and position or confirm into haou shou hoken for keep away purpose.

1 bar

  • crlk,crlk,slk**max**shk*+fwdb**ex tatsu, run, ex thousand kicks-  
  • 337 (works anywhere) damage

: – jhk,sthk,fwdb**max**shk,fwdb**ex tatsu,ex fireball, ex thousand kicks – 467 damage

– (point blank)crlk,crlk**dp** haouh shou- hoken – 291

– (point blank) crlk,crlk**dp**ranbu – 282 Haoh shou hoken does more damage at level 1 opposed to ranbu (200 – 185)



  • jhk,sthk,fwdb**max**sthk**fwdb**ex tatsu, ex fireball, dp**ex ranbu – 593 (doesnt’ work fullscreen) – with EX haouh – shou-hoken – 566 (doesnt’ work fullscreen)
  • jhk,shk*+fwdb**max**shk**fwdb**ex tatsu,dp**ex haouh shou hoken 549
  • Jhk,shk**fwdb**max**sthk**fwdb**ex tatsu,dp** ex randu – 576

Ranbu does more damage at lvl 2 than haouh sho hoken lvl2 (346-298) low starters max bnbs Ranbu > haoh shou hoken (near fullscreen carry – midscreen carry) 449 – 422






Far Stand LK into MM combo. That’s all.  Rinse and repeat.






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