Bandeiras Guide KOFXIV

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Summary: poke, punish, knockdown, get in that high low mixup!

Best Position: Point Mid Anchor



  • His original name was Banderas

 Main contributor : Trulyamiracle 

The newest ninja addition to the series comes in hot with flying knees, substition logs, charge command throws and Naruto hand signs.

Bandeiras is a very agile character, with a fast run, command dash and an advancing knee launcher. He’s very agressive and has multiple tools to catch people off guard.

Very unexplored imo and has a lot of potential.

His main “weakness” is how his damage isn’t that great unless spends 2 bars, and how his moveset doesn’t make much sense, input-wise so I always do the wrong move unconsiously.. This goes away after a certain amount of matches but it’s still annoying.

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LP “Light Punch”

  • Crouch :
  • Stand :
  • Far : Far A is a quick palm, nice check to stop hops.
  • Hop : air to air, quick but lacks range
  • Jump : same


LK “Light Kick”

  • Crouch :
  • Stand :
  • Far :  Far B is a quick kick, similar to Mai’s. Good for stopping hops too.
  • Hop : crossup
  • Jump : same


HP “Heavy Punch”

  • Crouch : Cr C doesn’t have a lot of range but it’s cancellable, used mainly as a frametrap or if you want a whiff punish normal that you can cancel. Open to hops.
  • Stand :
  • Far :
  • Hop :
  • Jump : same

Notes: J.C is the go-to to start offense and start combos, needs to be super deep to hit crouchers.

HK “Heavy Kick”

  • Crouch :  Cr D is Yashiro’s cr D, capoiera handstand sweep. 2 hits, both cancellable. Can cancel on whiff too.
  • Stand : good poke
  • Far :  Far D is my favorite button with him, rotating kick that has nice horizontal reach and covers the area above him. MAX cancel for more damage.
  • Hop :
  • Jump : same

Notes J.D is a poor man’s Iori j.D, covers a similar arc but not as good. Useful to stop jump out attempts and as a far jump in.
-far D has a point at the end where he’s airborne and can go over lows and ground fireballs, not very useful but it’s there.

HPHK “CD Blowback”

  • Stand: CD is similar to far B but a bit slower, off of wallstick you can combo if you cancel into D command dash.
  • Air: air to air – is a bit odd as it’s an upside down kick but it’s hitbox is solid if you learn where it hits.

Note: Bandeiras can jump off the wall

Command Normals

? LP “Kabutowari

  • overhead chop

-f.A is a really good overhead so make sure to add that to the left/right mixups to always keep them guessing, with high/low added as well as the command grab, guessing correctly against Bandeiras shouldn’t be easy.

?df HK “Daruma Otoshi

  • Slide
  • Df+D is a side, goes pretty far and can avoid fireballs. Safe as long as you don’t do it point blank so you can use it as a far range poke. Knocks down.

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QCB K “Kawarimi [EX]

  • counter
  • he does a ninja pose and if it activates he teleports and divekicks from above.
  • The dive knocks down, and is VERY unsafe on whiff or block so it’s not always a good idea to counter even if it is possible.
  • It works against all jumps, and anything except lows and throws.
  • Keep in mind that against lower jumps it will sometimes whiff (they’ll land before the dive hits) so it’s better if the opponent is higher in the air.
  • Not active from frame 1 so meaties will beat it.
  • Works on projectiles as well but not ground ones like Iori’s (counts as a low I guess). This is useful against characters that love running behind their slow fireballs or to avoid chip.
  • EX counter is active from frame 1 and it tracks, it leaves the opponent standing and you can combo off of it into cl.C or anything else.

    flashkick+P “Iguazu Otoshi[EX]

  • grab
  • 1f
  • it’s a good grab. 1f, invincible and has solid range.
  • EX is invincible and does more damage.

     DP+K “Shinobibiashi” [EX]

  • is a command dash, similar to K’s blackout but recovers a lot quicker. Can go through opponents and in the D version he dissappears from the screen for a bit.
  • B is quick and doesn’t cover a lot of space.
  • D goes almost fullscreen but starts a bit slower.
  • B is mainly used in blockstrings for risky side-switch mixups or in juggle resets. Can also be done as a “dash” to close distance.  After resets this will put Bandeiras behind the opponent.
  • D is a longer (and riskier) closing in tool and can be used to mask his other specials. Bandeiras recovers before the end of the animation so if you buffer a special in the end of it he’ll still be invisible and will show up halfway through the buffered special’s animation, can be used to sneak in his command grab or surprise knee attacks.
  • EX is super quick and invincible, can be used  in blockstrings like B version but it’s a lot more legit as it’s much harder to react to.

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flashkick+P “Iguazu Otoshi[EX]

  • grab
  • 1f
  • it’s a good grab. 1f, invincible and has solid range.
  • EX is invincible and does more damage.

Notes:  It’s main downfall is it’s command really as you don’t have access to it at all times.
There are ways to sneak it in while charging or mask the motion so they won’t see that you’re charging like starting the charge mid-jump (basically a reverse superjump and hold down), or using D command dash’s motion and animation (do f,df and hold the df input).

 K “Shining Ninja Arts[EX]

  • Attack
  • a tool that’s very essential to play Bandeiras is his Shining ninja arts (SNA or flying knee if you prefer). It can be used for resets, gimmicks, going over ground fireballs, and in combos.
  • B version is quick, has a low arc and does a very small launch (can’t do anything after it if it’s done raw).
  • B version doesn’t connect on crouching opponents, and if you’re close enough it’ll go over them. This is punishable but if the opponent doesn’t know about it you can use it a once only gimmick and hit them from the other side.
  • D is a bit slower and goes a higher angle, has a bigger hitbox, goes further and launches higher. Can followup with B knee or just about anything.
  • D knee connects on crouchers on both hit or block, it has some pushback and it’s negative, but it’s only punishable if you do it when you’re really close, with a bit of spacing it’s safe.
  • EX knee is 2 hits and launches higher than D version. It’s also invincible but it’s not safe unless it’s blocked at the very tip.
  • His knees can combo each other and you juggle for days, but they follow a certain order if you want to get maximum damage.
  • D > EX > B works, EX > D > B works as well. You can combo off of the B version if you hit it high enough in a juggle, easier in the corner.
  • You can add more knees to the juggles with his Smokebomb super as it allows follow-ups, useful in MAX combos as you can keep juggling and start building bar back this way.

qcfP “Tengu no Tobikiri” [EX]

  • double-palm attack
  • S5,A20,R14
  • mainly combo filler or ender and blockstring ender
  • LP vers does only the palm, super cancellable for extra damage in juggles.
  • LP is safe on block and has nice pushback so you can use it to safely end blockstrings.
  • HP vers is unsafe on block, only used as combo ender.
  • HP vers does an extra downwards slam afterwards for a hard knockdown.
  • HP vers can’t super cancel but you can do a mixup off the knockdown.
  • EX is similar to HP version with an extra slide attack in the middle, but in juggles you need to time it properly otherwise the extra hits won’t connect.

    -His left/right reset can also be done with D knee for a side switch but it needs to be done super early.
    -His command grab can be charged while running when you do f,df (hold). This also gives the grab a different animation.
    -CD into B command dash midscreen can combo into close C restand. Can also be done from fullscreen with 2 EX command dashes.
    -he can OS his command grab off of cr.B blockstring as cr.B u.A+B f.A. This gets you close B (which is a low) if they block or command grab if they try to roll, this catches both rolls coz it’s a d~u motion which works on either side.

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Supers & Climax

qcf x2 P “Kama Itachi” [Max]

  • His damage ender and causes hard knockdown.
  • Max is Great for ending juggles but if it’s done too low the last hit doesn’t connect so you lose a bit of damage unless you time it right.


QCBx2 P “Tatami Gaeshi” [Max]

  • Smokebomb super is what makes Bandeiras a fun character, this super pops up for a combo follow-up, is safe and it’s invincible. Pretty crazy.
  • A version does more damage but C seems to be easier to combo out of.
  • EX does a lot of damage and launches higher.
  • Your meter should be going into this super or maxmode confirms, seeing as you can get a hard knockdown from Qcf+C after a juggle so slashes super isn’t the only option. combos into D knee and all it’s possible follow-ups.


QCFHCB + KK “Kage Bunshin” Climax

  • His Climax is a dashing attack after doing hella Naruto signs. goes around halfscreen distance but it’s not invincible so it’s a combo ender only. Does a super long hard knockdown for a meaty setup.

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Best Combos

Bandeiras has a lot of options during his combos so i’ll use a starter/possible enders format seeing as he has the options of reset/damage/corner carry/hard knockdown

hcf+D can be replaced with:
-MAX cancel cl.C f.A Hcf+D
-Qcf+A xx EX Smokebomb super

-Cr.B cr.A f.A hcf+D
-Cr.B cl.B f.A Hcf+D
-Cl.C (2 hits) hcf+D
-Cl.C (1) f.A hcf+D
-Cr.C hcf+D
-Cr.B cr.B far B MAX cl.C f.A
-F.A MAX cl.C f.A

•After Hcf+D launch:
-Hcf+D Qcf+C (hard knockdown)
-Hcf+D hcf+B far B (corner carry)
-Hcf+D cr.C xx Dp+B or Hcf+B (left/right reset)
-Hcf+D EX hcf+K (delay) hcf+B cr.C xx Dp+B or Hcf+B (left/right reset)
-Hcf+D EX hcf+K j.CD (side switch corner carry)
-Hcf+D qcf+A xx Slashes super or Climax (damage cash out)
In the corner going for damage is the go-to coz you can’t go behind them in resets.
-Hcf+D EX hcf+K (delay) hcf+B EX slashes super
-Hcf+D EX hcf+K (delay) hcf+B qcf+C

•EX smokebomb combos:
replacing Hcf+D after starters with Qcf+A xx EX Smokebomb super allows these combos for big damage, after it launches you can do any of the following:
-EX Slashes super
-Qcf+A EX slashes super
-Hcf+D hcf+B cr.C xx Dp+B or Hcf+B (left/right reset)
-Hcf+D qcf+C (hard knockdown)
-Hcf+D qcf+A xx Slashes super or Climax

•Juggles with Smokebomb:
-cl.C f.A Hcf+D Smokebomb EX Smokebomb Hcf+B qcf+A
-Starter MAX Cl.C f.A EX Hcf+K Hcf+D Hcf+B EX Smokebomb Hcf+D qcf+A
-After EX smokebomb you can do Hcf+D Smokebomb Hcf+B cl.A

•Stun combo (as point)
(Cr.B cr.A f.A MAX CD EX dp+K twice) x3
Cr.B cr.A f.A Hcf+D EX Hcf+K Hcf+B qcf+C
After CD wallstick doing 2 EX command dashes you can land cr.B and catch them standing to loop the same combo. This is only possible as point character to so the 2 EX dashes will use up MAX mode and you can repeat the same wallstick combo.




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He’s mainly rushdown oreinted with a lot of interesing neutral tools and a command dash, as well as multiple confirms into his D flying knee for juggles. He’s mainly a threat once he gets a hit in as he has a lot of reset shenanigans after flying Knee juggles or big damage if he chooses to spend the bars.

His anti-airs are far A and far D, alongside his kawarimi counter and Smokebomb super

Bandeiras is a lot more threatening with meter where he can convert any hit into quick burst damage with EX smokebomb super juggles. I think he’s best as a middle character simply for having meter to burn. Without meter he’ll have to rely on resets or mixups off of qcf+C, where if he has some bars stocked he has damage, knockdown or resets as options.

He has some really solid buttons and play the poke game really well.
Far B, CD, cr C, cr D, far D and df+D are all pokes.

-His left/right reset can also be done with D knee for a side switch but it needs to be done super early.
-His command grab can be charged while running when you do f,df (hold). This also gives the grab a different animation.
-CD into B command dash midscreen can combo into close C restand. Can also be done from fullscreen with 2 EX command dashes.
-he can OS his command grab off of cr.B blockstring as cr.B u.A+B f.A. This gets you close B (which is a low) if they block or command grab if they try to roll, this catches both rolls coz it’s a d~u motion which works on either side.



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