Sushi in Paris: Kilala

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Kilala Sushi

7 Rue des Moulins
75001 Paris
+33 1 47 03 35 57
Honestly, I can’t see the reason in going anymore. The chef is lovely and the fish is actually great but the presentation is just sloppy. See for yourself.

Price wise Salmon is 6 euros for two pieces while Michi is now 7! Prices can fluctuate by the odd euro but there’s a huge discrepancy with the otoro. It’s 12 in Michi and 17 in Kilala!! Usually the price relates to the quality of the fish. Usually. And while the presentation is hit and miss, I’ve usually had better tasting toro at Kilala. But that price is killing the wallet. Ultimately you should start with Michi, then visit Kilala and then blow it all on Zen or Takara.

The rumours of this place closing down continue, but the old chef is still cooking in 2018 and shows no signs of slowing down. He hasn’t seemed particularly rushed either since the first visit in 2014, still delivering the odd hardened grains from that potty old rice cooker.

If you don’t care about randomly smaller portions and being outraged by the prices, it’s still an experience to have.  The place is tiny; the old chef, nice though gruff, potters around with his ancient stove and heater, often found outside having a cigarette before starting the shift.  It’s quaint, I suppose.

Kilala Menu. Prices fluctuate...

Prices fluctuate…

If you have money burning a hole in your pocket and you want to support the old man, go to Kilala!  If you prefer economical but authentic sushi, go to Michi. If you have lots of money and want a classy restaurant experience go to Zen or Takara.

8/10 (only value for money brings the rating down)

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