Where to get AP in KOF AllStar

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  1. Time
  2. Ads
  3. Exchange
  4. Shop
  5. Rank up
  6. Exchange for rubies

1. Time

AP is always building at a rate of 1 every 2 minutes.
It will stop when it reaches your limit which is tied to your rank. You can over the limit with rewards and it will reset when you rank up. It is best to always be low on AP.

2. Watch an advertisement

Run out of AP first then when you try to do another mission the menu will pop up where you can watch an advertisement for 50 ap . This is limited to perhaps 3-5 per day.

3. Exchange

Go to Exchange > Exchange shop

Buy the Ap elixir items from Arena coins and League match coins
50% etc elixirs will go over your limit so don’t worry
BUT the 50/100 points will NOT go over your limit so be careful

4. Secret Shop

They often have AP for 15 rubies and skip tickets for 50 rubies plus, other nice things.  On the recommended tab there is an advert you can watch once a day to get rubies and AP.

The secret shop refreshes every 6 hours

5. Rank Up

Remember when you Rank up you will get all your AP back!  Do some missions or quests.  Epic Quest’s Crazy Mary boss gives 200 points for example. King’s final quest gives 350.  Hard Mode Story only needs 8 AP and will give around 250 per episode.

6. Ruby Ruby Ruby

When you run out of AP, the menu will offer you AP for rubies.
Do not exchange Rubies unless you are desperate!


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