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Interview with KOF XII Producer

   FGC News   July 15, 2009  No Comments

Just a quick heads up as that facebook wall scrolls down pretty damn quick these days! Interview with KOF XII Producer

XII Release Date and Poll

   FGC News   July 14, 2009  2 Comments

July 28th. Amazon can be annoying at times, or let’s put it this way, ordering from abroad can be really annoying.? Ever tried to order from or They won’t post outside of their country.? I don’t really see what’s stopping them, apart from the possibility of hurting the…

new KOF XII figurines

   FGC News   July 7, 2009  2 Comments

? Ignition gave us a sneak peek at the new figurines coming out for XII.? I, er… hmmm, am quite excited – Athena seems to have lost weight and Leona has been caught using Benimaru’s hair product.

Get a 2D Fighter (+jiggling) for Free!

   FGC News   July 6, 2009  No Comments

Posted by Iori E at our forums: “ Heard of it? [youtube][/youtube] And before anyone asks, you need to set your computer’s regional settings to Japanese. Otherwise, the window will not open properly. And no, AppLocale will not work. Oh, and don’t just go showing this around to everybody. This…

New Wallpapers from Ignition

   FGC News   July 4, 2009  No Comments

Nip over to and check out the mixed media section for downloads!

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