Broken Release Gamescon Comiket #KOFXIV

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Broken Release Gamescon Comiket #KOFXIV

   kof   August 12, 2016  2 Comments

Breaking release dates, Gamescon, Comiket cosplay and HOT HOT HOT artwork!

Comiket has started, the big comic festival in Japan, where artists can release their own works without getting a license…. (mostly?).

And we have some cosplay photos to share!


KOFXIV will be playable at the German show and Oda will be there with Laurent!

We have some interviews lined up but we could squeeze in a few more at the end of the day on Saturday! Just get in touch!

Kendeep and Dracula will be there, along with Kingcar from and possibly Mac Villain from SBR.

Go to the Koch Media Stand!  There will also be an event with Ryan Hart!


Breaking Release Date

Some naughty naughty shops in the US and Latam have started selling KOFXIV before the release date, which means a few things:

  • The game is ready to release!
  • There will be no delays!
  • The game is already in stock!
  • It’s probably being sent to customers to arrive on release date!

SNK isn’t too pleased of course. With certain boss photos floating around, and some scrubs mashing buttons.  We won’t be sharing those.

We believe sharing tech is ok, but anything else are spoilers, so if you have a copy, please let SNK finish their marketing and keep the game material to yourself till release date.

You should stockpile and prepare your material to blow up the internet on Aug 26!!!

An interesting point is Alex Jebailey said that the netcode is great!  How he tested this and with whom may be of some importance but hey it’s promising.

Speaking of SNK, they have put up all the info for Voice actors and Team Stories

Artwork time!

Also don’t forget the app !


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