#KOFXIV Footage from Combo Breaker and Keykakko!

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#KOFXIV Footage from Combo Breaker and Keykakko!

   kof   May 29, 2016  2 Comments

Here’s some more footage from the 36 character build by Keykakko!  The first thing that will strike you is that the air carrier stage name is Heidern’s Fleet!!!  Check out Nelson’s instant Guard crush, Hein & Shun’Ei action!

Apparently Combo Breaker couldn’t add KOFXIV to their stream because the schedule was full.  Khaos Gaming stepped up and provided a stream!  The VODs are already in place!

Perhaps there will be more today? Keep an eye on their twitch


If you didn’t see all the KOF footage from yesterday’s test from the 36 character build check out the updated page here !!!



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