#KOFXIV 9th Trailer & Digest

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#KOFXIV 9th Trailer & Digest

After the last honestly very good trailer, here is the 9th, followed by a huge digest to keep you up to date with all things #KOFXIV.

So I guess that’s Vanessa out for sure 🙁


Why do Boxing characters bother with gloves? Nelson looks modern in terms of dress, but that’s where it ends. The moves don’t look too surprising apart from a few jumping punches, which might be fun so it’s best to reserve judgment. Nelson looks quite tanned, perhaps from South America? It’s nice to see some ethnic diversity.

On the other hand, while the outfit is typically asian, with a bit more skin showing through, Luong looks like she’ll be complex, and deadly as hell with those kicks!  Was that a stance or a counter? And … erm… are those masterly Tae Kwon Do kicks?  *sweats*

And Athena remains young as hell, and … lost some weight… Which seems to have to transferred to her shining crystal bit! That thing is massive!!

Overall, the new characters are looking pretty cool, what do you think?

20 Playable Characters on the 30th April

From the disappointing show in Korea with the same 9 characters, at KVOxTSB they will have a playable build of KOFXIV with 20 playable characters!!!

Frame data recycling?

Professor from MMC noted that from looking at the game play videos from Korea by Gatoray, the 3D models don’t seem to be hitting each other, rather they are using the hit boxes and frame data from KOFXIII.

If this the case, then it means a few things:

  • Apart from the speed and jump arcs, the gameplay for the returning characters will essentially be the same.
  • Frame traps for returning characters will be the same.
  • Even with new moves such as Kyo’s new bodega mixups and Robert’s EX Launcher, KOFXIII veterans will have a distinct advantage.

Is this a good thing? It would mean KOF13 players can slip right in and generally do the same thing they have been for years.  This is great for the (non existent) learning curve, but is horrible for those interested in learning a new game.  It would cut down development time as it would be effectively a copy and paste of data. Even with this, there is a big enough roster to compensate; to explore this game will still take a long time.  There are still some differences and new moves, but, with the same advantages that made them strong in 13, does this mean that Kim, Iori and Kyo are already top tier and K’ remains nerfed?  There are other considerations, including the lack of HD combos and corner crossups and other system features that the current XIII top tiers take advantage of.   Atma has already pointed out some frame data are definitely not the same for example Iori did crouch B stand C, which normally has to be meaty so this shows there are some tweaks going on.  Will it matter in the end?  We can only wait and see!

Maybe you should start playing KOFXIII again…

The MMC discussion can be read here


Upon the reveal, there was a bit of a backlash.  Many voiced their disapproval, much like the reaction to Tekken 7’s Lucky Chloe.

However, the many, turned out to be a minority.  On a quick twitter poll, only 26% of voters didn’t like Sylvie.

As for fanart, there was quite a bit, straight after her reveal and shows no sign of slowing down!




Ronny Maia & Shinkiro

Speaking of Sylvie, you may have seen an artwork that made you think Shinkiro likes her very much. You may also have seen some of these costume evolution illustrations floating around, with certain people not crediting the source, and some people wondering if Shinkiro was drawing for fun or doing a side job, as none of it was found in official channels. Finally the artist’s deviant art account has been found: Ronny Maia from Brazil; a big fan of Shinkiro and emulates his style extremely well.

Check out his page here.

New effects

Tiz-er, I mean, the King of Dinosaurs breaks the camera lens and the fourth wall.  Will they go further?

SNK’s daily pics!

They are posting EVERY day!  Follow on Facebook or Twitter!

Iori’s Birthday – 25 March

Rumoured Character

Rumoured character for #KOFXIV, Love Heart, from the SNK Pachinko game, SKY LOVE. If true, she was probably made while SNK was telling the industry that they would turn gamers into pachinko fans.
She’s a pirate so perhaps she plays like B Jenet! Looks pretty good to me! What do you think?

Golden Gloves for Kula!


Players are discovering new launchers and things that make KOFXIV a refreshing experience for XIII players

Some characters have been more and more polished, a rumour said Billy’s face was altered to look more like David Bowie (RIP).

SNK also showed the concept art for the stages including the very cool gas station with hidden NEOGEO trucks.

One particular screenshot from Korea got tongues wagging… and it was nothing about gameplay…

New character eh? Not so fast SNK…


This particular post was extremely popular….


FRENCHIES! Don’t forget this Sunday MELTDOWN KOF RANKING #3



New 2.3 ML DL record beaten!

Campaign launch announcement!

Released on February 15th, 2016, “METAL SLUG ATTACK” has been unanimously acclaimed around the world, and broke through the 2,300,000 download threshold on March 24th, 2016. In addition to the arrival of 5 new Unit
characters, today’s new update on both iOS and Android platforms will be the start of two limited time campaign events, which will respectively allow users to preorder the upcoming “Leona” exclusive Unit and give support to new users!

Your new mission can now start!

Version-up overview:

1) Addition of 5 new Units
2) LEONA’s Unit pre-acquisition limited campaign
– Release of an exclusive set giving prior access to the upcoming Unit “LEONA”!
3) New User Support Campaign (limited to 7 days after ending the Tutorial mode)
– Release at a very advantageous price of a set of parts and items needed to unlock up to 3 Unit parts.
– Release of the Series’ 4 hero characters: “Marco”, “Tarma”, “Eri”, and “Fio”.
4) Multiple feature updates
?Launch date: iOS / Android ver.: March 24th, 2016
?Gameplay video:

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