ON Streams and Tweets

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ON Streams and Tweets

   FGC News ,   December 18, 2015  No Comments

Here’s our recent streams, with Stophers in Tokyo playing people in Asia while Gunsmith in Europe. It’s kinda crazy since many friends were playing GGXRD and SFV beta, but still many playing KOF XIII! πŸ™‚ Come join us next time!

Check out our featured tweets after the videos, with art and fun stuff!


lol check the mixup



The first one is of particular interest because again we all need to pay attention to the market – what we are doing with our money dictates what the companies will make. If KOF smartphone games make 45 million USD, and KOF14 makes 2 million, what do you think will happen? What do you think companies will invest in? Worrying thoughts… let’s hope KOFXIV totally blows up, because if it doesn’t…. back to KOF13 :p

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