#KOFXIV Rumour Update, Team USA #MSD, The ON SHOW S02E05

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#KOFXIV Rumour Update, Team USA #MSD, The ON SHOW S02E05

Today’s post: The ON Show, KOF2002 Combos, Metal Slug Updates, Upcoming Tournaments & KOFXIV Rumour update

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This was actually a rather good discussion on KOFXIV!

Loads of topics covered related to the first impressions of the 2nd trailer, and a good range of people who participated, from old school fans to more casual fans who didn’t play KOFXI; people who support SNK and people who hate this latest incarnation.

  • Leona’s Tank Top
  • The graphics
  • The gameplay
  • Marketing Strategy
  • DLC: the good, the bad and the skank
  • Rambling
  • The Sub Story
  • The roster leak rumour
  • Possibilities of cross overs
  • and loads more!

The soundtrack is pretty awesome too ^^

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the Journey of Enlightenment

KOF2002 Combo Video

ALX finally finished it, and I finally noticed it



For this update, “AMERICAN SPORTS TEAM” from “THE KING OF FIGHTERS ‘94” appears! In addition to the above, “Halloween” area newly appear! If you clear all stages in this area, you can get the special units. Furthermore there are new additional units, new special mission. In addition further, unit level limitation is now unlocked for more levels. The update will be released from today for Android devices and soon for iOS devices.

Version-up Overview

?Description: 1)”AMERICAN SPORTS TEAM” joins the battle! – “HEAVY D!”, “LUCKY GLAUBER”, “BRIAN BATTLER” appear!

2)”Halloween” area is newly added – If you clear all stages, you can get special unit “HALLOWEEN SOLDIER”

3) Unlock unit level limitation

4) New units

5) New special mission

?Release Date: Android ver.: from November 5th, 2015?iOS ver. TBD

App Store Download URL: https://itunes.apple.com/en/app/id857449903?mt=8 Google Play Download URL: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.snkplaymore.android003

METAL SLUG DEFENSE” Official Website: http://www.snkplaymore.co.jp/us/games/apps/metalslug_defense/

Just some tournament news before we get to the main course! Hold onto your hats!


There will be a tournament for KOF & DOA!

While Marwan and Albanna (2nd place at 98UM Cannes) will visit Lonestar Admonition!

Speaking of tournaments:  This weekend is Xperience Gaming!

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And let’s not forget!!!


If you haven’t checked our #FGCMag you can download the pdf from the store (you can put in some fake details but please tell me which country you are from).

KOFXIV Rumour Update

What’s the update?  A few characters have been clarified through translation.

It all started with a tweet.

And then Evil Yagami from Cyberfanatix posted the following translation:

Team 01 : China Team (?? / Tung Fu Rue / ?? )  ~ Possible Characters ~ ( Jin Chonshu / Jin Chonrei )

Team 02 : Japan Team ( Kyo Kusanagi / Benimaru Nikaido / Goro Daimon )

Team 03 : Fatal Fury Team ( Terry Bogard / Andy Bogard / Joe Higashi )

Team 04 : Art of Fighting Team ( Ryo Sakazaki / Robert Garcia / Yuri Sakazaki )

Team 05 : K’ Team ( K’ / Maxima / Kula Diamond )

Team 06 : Kim Team ( Kim Kaphwan / Kim’s Master / Myeng Swuk )

Team 07 : Criminal Team ( Chang Koehan / Choi Bounge / Newcomer Prisoner )

Team 08 : Women Fighters Team ( Mai Shiranui / King / Alice )

Team 09 : Ikari Team ( Ralf Jones / Clark Still / Leona Heidern )

Team 10 : Psycho Soldier team ( Athena Asamiya / Sie Kensou / Chin Gentsai )

Team 11 : Yagami Team ( Iori Yagami / Mature / Vice )

Team 12 : Mexico Team ( Ramon / Angel / Tizoc )

Team 13 : Palace Wan Team ( Acting Mask Girl / Teenage Girl Singer with Electric Element / Mysterious Hooded Man )

Team 14 : South Town Team ( Geese Howard / Billy Kane / ?? )

Team 15 : South America Team ( Brazilian Ninja / Handicap Boxer / Pretty Latin Girl )

Team 16 : Alternate World Team ( Nakoruru / Love Heart / Mui Mui )

Mid-Boss : ( Russian Billionaire )
Final-Boss : ( Non-Human Species )

« Last Edit: 28 of February of 2015, 11:52:56 AM by Evil_Yagami »
Evil Yagami is known for scouring the depths of the planet for any sort of news and rumours, no matter how ridiculous they seem, showing how much he loves the game, even though it made most of his posts rather incredible.
However, this time, the crazyness suddenly became a possibility, as PRISONER CHANG turned up in the 2nd trailer.  ALX is confident in the source of information, but that’s been taken down…
Let’s chill and discuss the possibilities:
Team 01 : China Team (/ Tung Fu Rue /  )  ~ Possible Characters ~ ( Jin Chonshu / Jin Chonrei )

Tung Fu Rue, okay, the Jin brothers?  At the end of Real Bout, their curse of immortality was lifted and they went on to become normal kids.  Whatever, the bottom line is that they are a copy and paste model that can save money.  Verdict: POSSIBLE

Team 02 : Japan Team ( Kyo Kusanagi / Benimaru Nikaido / Goro DaimonTeam 03 : Fatal Fury Team ( Terry Bogard / Andy Bogard / Joe HigashiTeam 04 : Art of Fighting Team ( Ryo Sakazaki / Robert Garcia / Yuri SakazakiTeam 05 : K’ Team ( K’ / Maxima / Kula Diamond )

Obvious mainstays. One of the AOF team could always be swapped out for Mr Karate, however. Verdict: Pretty much guaranteed

Team 06 : Kim Team ( Kim Kaphwan / Kim’s Master / Myeng Swuk )

Myeng Swuk is Kim’s wife (taken from a wiki).  If she’s a headswap, heck, if they are all headswaps, why not.  Personally I feel a bit weird beating up Kim’s wife.  Then again, we’ve been beating up Andy’s girlfriend for over a decade… Why they don’t just bring in the whole family, beats me. All headswaps, cheapest cast ever.

Team 07 : Criminal Team ( Chang Koehan / Choi Bounge / Newcomer Prisoner )

I’m not really surprised to see Mr “1 extra hit for the combo video” Chang back in action, but Choi wasn’t really used in the West and on the whole greatly disliked. Even if he was greatly underestimated, and actually quite cheap.  Very popular in China apparently.

Team 08 : Women Fighters Team ( Mai Shiranui / King / Alice )

Alice from the Pachinko series.  To paraphrase: ‘We’re gonna make gamers into Pachinko fans!’  Yeah, well I wouldn’t be surprised if Alice just gets the boot out of spite.  A female Terry Bogard would be fun yet have to play quite differently to have any sort of merit, like Shingo, otherwise you might as well just make her an alternate DLC costume for Terry. Without Alice of course, Yuri has her place.

Team 09 : Ikari Team ( Ralf Jones / Clark Still / Leona HeidernTeam 10 : Psycho Soldier team ( Athena Asamiya / Sie Kensou / Chin GentsaiTeam 11 : Yagami Team ( Iori Yagami / Mature / Vice )

Mainstays. Chin isn’t a priority, however.

Team 12 : Mexico Team ( Ramon / Angel / Tizoc )

This has huge potential, and could drive Mexico & Latin America into a complete frenzy as they finally stop playing 2002 and get a PS4 (skipping a whole console generation in the process). Or, on the other hand, hey look what’s this 2002um about? Is it 2002plusplus? 😛

Team 13 : Palace Wan Team ( Acting Mask Girl / Teenage Girl Singer with Electric Element / Mysterious Hooded Man )

No comment.  A Chinese team posted by a Chinese source on a Chinese forum, and this was before the Chinese buy out.  Still, there remains the very strong possibility of a XDZW crossover, with Kaoru Kuraki and Brazel being top contenders.  Who said the guest appearance by Terry and Beni (and now Kyo and Iori) in Tencent games had to be one way?

Team 14 : South Town Team ( Geese Howard / Billy Kane / Butler )

Alx has now updated this saying the third character is a butler, so Ripper and Hopper are out.  Geese shouldn’t be anywhere in the KOF timeline but whatever. Nightmare Geese, yada yada.  But where’s Mr Big? Where’s Lily Kane?

Team 15 : South America Team ( Brazilian Ninja / Handicap Boxer / Pretty Latin Girl )

See team Mexico.  Just give them all infinites and the crowds will get hype.

Team 16 : Alternate World Team ( Nakoruru / Love Heart / Mui Mui )

One of these characters is from a classic series and doesn’t fit in KOF, while the other (Mui Mui) is from a rhythm game that is no longer in the Apple store so it’s absolutely pointless in terms of marketing.  Still, Hanzo did appear in Maximum Impact and I think I need to play with him again right now.  Love Heart is from another Pachinko game.  Sooooo yeah, if the Pachinko games were still out there, this would make perfect sense, and in fact still does (would they cancel these characters if work had already begun?)

Mid-Boss : ( Russian Billionaire )

Yeah sure, whatever.  Used to do business with Geese and Rugal, yup.

Final-Boss : ( Non-Human Species )

And after doing business, injected himself with special virus or Orochi blood or alien dna, and goes out of control, bla bla bla.

Other crossover possibilities

Hey why not, let’s throw it all out there:

  • Sister Quest
  • Metal Slug Defense
  • Beast Busters



What do you think of all this?

 Where is your favourite character?  Let us know who you’d PAY FOR AS DLC.

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