Misterio and Freezer speak about their SummerBattle #KOF

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Misterio and Freezer speak about their SummerBattle #KOF


Freezer felt like Misterio’s visit was a blessing, “A perfect training mate and opponent” which helped him in many ways to improve.  “I think I was playing like shit cuz everybody here plays like shit.”  Well, if you see the videos, that “shit” level is still pretty good haha.

On this point, Misterio could see the common problem with a pool of players: “They’re missing experience and the possibility of playing with another strong players, they’re very good but by playing only with themselves they get used to certain styles.

But Freezer, Ichisim, Frionel, Marouane, Oubah, they have the ability to adapt very well.  They are really good”

Speaking of himself, Freezer believes he didn’t improve after IGT at all. “There was nothing to motivate me to improve.” Then Misterio landed in Morocco.  And after their sessions, Freezer feels much more confident.

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Beating up little boys

“Misterio told me that ‘with that level nobody can defeat you, including Xiaohai’ so I’m going to set a challenge for myself to get improved : to start winning my FT10. 10-0 in order to get ready for the GCC tournament in December.”

Misty affirms this: “Yes, Freezer is now super strong, it was difficult at the beginning but he understood what he was doing wrong and after that in just one week of training he became very strong”.

Freezer went on to say IGT was a great experience, an eye-opener to work harder. There’s a big difference between how he used to play then and now thanks to Misterio: “I think I’m much better than after IGT right now.”

In fact, all the Moroccan players are more motivated to level up than before:  “There’s Misterio to defeat. I think players from all over the world feel the same.”

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Sticky situations

But this was not without some explanations for bad execution in the final matches – I asked him what did he think was his biggest mistake in the tournament.

“The biggest mistake was to keep playing with a shitty stick. The day before the tournament we found out that there was something wrong with my stick ( missing EX moves ). So a guy from Oman – who is good at this stuff – tried to fix it by changing the buttons.

You can see in matches that normal moves came out instead of EX ones.  There was definitely a problem with the stick . The next day Frionel used my stick playing with Raiden. When he was trying to hold the button to charge the drop kick. The move came out unintentionally.”

For the immediate future, Freezer’s plan is to train with the macro buttons to avoid this ever happening again.

Slightly offtopic, but even with all this training, if KOF14 is good and more popular game than 13, Freezer will drop the latter.

Too Many Games

PR Rog recently said ‘you will be worse if you play many fighting games’; Freezer totally agreed: “More games means more time to spend on training/vs if you want to play competitively. I think it will be better to focus on 1 game and spend the very little time we have to level up in that game.”

When asked about the highlights of his trip to Morocco, Misterio replied : “The Foooooood, their hospitality!” lol nothing to say about their skills then :p

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I asked Misterio if the community had a character specialist? For example, like Gunsmith and his Clark *cough cough*

“Freezer has Duolon, at Tokido’s level, Oubah plays Andy and he has a lot of tricks”

So did Misterio learn anything ?

“They are specialists in play with the match ups, I have to improve my patience and spacing and also sometimes they made me change my team or my team order.”

It was this order change that helped Misterio defeat Tokido in the FT10. Is character match up now the most important thing for him?

“I have never cared about match ups, but at this level of competition, when your opponent knows for example : If I have the right spacing I can only beat him with just one button, and I can’t break his willing with patience or spacing, I have to change something.”

Moving on

So what’s the next move for Misty? DKO?


“Yep, after that I have to return USA and work as a normal person and next December is the tournament in Dubai, the last stop and the Misterio’s world tour 2015 is finalised.”

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Here are the replays of Grand Finals of KOF Summer Event, plus action featuring Frionel and Atma.

Thanks to ON.Freezer and Misterio for their time. We wish the both of them continued success.

You can catch many more matches from the VSFM Channel

Photos courtesy of VSFM

PS If you really want to play the new KOF98 card fighter  in Chinese, go here


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SNK had asked what kind of units would you like next?  And a massive argument ensued, where some fans were complaining that there were too many KOF units, whereas others argued that KOF was central to MSD’s success.  The answer seems quite obvious: if people didn’t buy KOF units, SNK would stop making them.  It has nothing to do with fan favourites, it’s pure business sense.  Metal Slug is more popular than KOF in some countries, for example Italy, but globally KOF is a prime IP for SNK.

At any rate, the next release, which has already been planned for a while, is the Kim team (of Justice).

But that’s not all, there are new units, areas and missions too!  Available from August 6th on Android with IOS following asap after.

Grab Metal Slug Defense here for FREE!

Figurines Question

Questionnaire for SNK.  They will see these results so please vote honestly!  Thank you for your time!

Some people really didn’t know about the KOF13 chibi figures, and you can still find them in some places for under $10 (minus shipping).  If you really want, I could gather some and sell them direct to you ^^.  Just let me know.

Sorry, there are no polls available at the moment.



Steam Codes to Win!

  • EVO 2015 Prizes : Staff + Tshirt Prizes = $208
  • ON Wolf Cup : Staff + Tshirt Prizes = $134.11
  • SPICY CUP! $$$??

Do you want to motivate people to play the game you love? Buying prizes is expensive! Of course I’ve got some STEAM codes to give out to thank donators via lottery, each dollar is a ticket! If you’d rather get more for your buck and give, buy a Tshirt!  Thanks to everyone who donated and are helping the scene!




Keeping cool, keeping cred, AUTUMN IS COMING, these lines will have to go soon!

BUY NOW: US  | EU | GB ::  Art Prints > US

BUY NOW: US  | EU | GB ::  Art Prints > US


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