How to freeze #KOF2002UM plus Nishinippori Matches

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How to freeze #KOF2002UM plus Nishinippori Matches

   kof ,   June 8, 2015  2 Comments

This is an interesting video but is very unlikely to happen in actual gameplay.

The author of the video, KCA Elixir, jokingly remarks:

“SNK PLAYMORE… They never learn :p
As soon as bugged Athena is attacked, game freezes.”

What happens: Orochi Shermie does her Hidden Max2 SDM (or whatever it’s called).
This move inflicts 50% damage; unblockable but is rollable (iirc) and there is a chance that it will hit Shermie herself, with the same damage.
To get the bug, the lightning must hit Shermie, as Athena does her DM at the same moment. Then teleport and throw her and then do teleport cancelled into dp.
Then as soon as you touch the Athena double, the game will crash.
Possible on PS2 or xbox version?

This version is Steam, from what we can tell.

Here’s the video!

Here’s the newest trailer for BeastBusters!

KOF2002 Matches From NishiNiporri Battle 243!

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