Misterio & Tokido confirmed for #STUNFEST #KOF

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Misterio & Tokido confirmed for #STUNFEST #KOF

   kof ,,,   April 15, 2015  1 Comment

That’s right, as we revealed on Twitter, the #IGT2015 champion from Chile continues his world tour with an invasion of France at Stunfest!  Later he will land in Dubai in December!  Could this be the year of Misty 619?  Chile fame just went through the roof!


Rumours have started that someone else is not gonna stand for this and will be invading from a different border and taking down all in their path to take the KOF crown… and maybe a head or two in the process.

Who could it be???


If they don’t book a place soon, they won’t even be able to challenge!

THERE ARE 30 PLACES left, and last year, the brackets were NOT extended!!!!

The tournament will take place on Saturday ONLY.


Par Hokuto Youssef:

Places prises pour le STUNFEST, les MTK seront LA!
Est il bien besoin de rappeler que c’est le tournoi Europeen qu’il ne faudra louper sous aucun pretextes?
Vous avez deja lu que Misterio sera de la partie, mais si je vous dis que c pas fini?
Bref il reste moinsse de 30 places dispo, alors un conseil, ne tardez pas avant de vous manger encore un drama comme l’an dernier. Sauf que cette fois y’aura aucune mere a insulter 🙁


And don’t forget this weekend we have LONESTAR ADMONITION!!!! feat Luis Cha and Misterio!!!

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