#FGC Yearbook FREE 24hrs, Metal Slug Defense Update – 20m downloads!

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#FGC Yearbook FREE 24hrs, Metal Slug Defense Update – 20m downloads!


Cannes Note: GGXRD is on PS3

Uhhhh should I pick this up? Uhhhhhhh


Come rain or shine, there will be a KOF98FE tournament on Sunday.  STAY TUNED

MSD UPDATE! Nearly 20 million downloads!

Out on Android now with IOS coming asap!

Version-up overview: 1) Addition of new unit characters 2) Addition of new areas 3) New Special Missions, etc


BEAST BUSTERS UPDATE – this new game has reached 30,000 downloads


DFC Coming to US/EU


So Sega stepped up to try for a piece of that anime pie.  And they’d be stupid not to!  In the first week, GGXRD on PS3 sold about half that of the original Persona Arena.  Why? Persona has a fan base far extending the fighting game.  You think those fans know anything about Roman Cancels? Doubt it!  Sales of DFC will be very interesting because it is literal anime.  Most players can recognise at least one character.  Well, if they watch anime, that is.  But on the other hand most of this anime is import/fansub stuff (I could be wrong here), yet some of these anime titles, while unlicensed, are hugely popular.  Will these fans go out and buy the title just to play with their favourite character? I know at least one girl who will even try fighting games properly just to play, the only thing holding her back from the import was the lack of subs.

And yeah, it’s coming to EUROPE TOO.

Sheesh, UNIEL is out soon!

THIS WEEKEND iS GONNA BE HECTIC: KOF @ Chatelet MILK Friday 21h, Saturday: VGM TEC, BEATDOWN X (48 players signed up!), Sunday: Dream Fighter!

FT5 Express ON|Tortita vs Ronald

31st JAN 2015


1st FEB



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IGT2015 Warning!!!


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