#KOF13 from NN #BBCP from A-cho

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#KOF13 from NN #BBCP from A-cho

   kof ,,,   June 2, 2014  No Comments

team battle 59 from 31st May
Ugh… Myu has to go up against his ON bros, Haregoro and Tennkawa! Spoilers ahead!

Team 1p : ICCHI , Chuugen , Mobu , ??? , Shingo , Damu , Asa , Okome , Sue , Azuki Neko , Keizu , Himojoe , Mau , Myu?Ore ha Aku no Sentouin Kattene!? , Yamamoto Shiya

Team 2p : Onakki , Jaa , 7/6 ha Ooyama Newtown KOF98 Taikai , Tanishi , Tana , Zeri , Iru , Seichuu , Kumo , 6/24 ha Shinjuku Carnival 13 5on Taikai , Akki , Shoki , Yoruyukiho , Kabao , ???? , ??? , Haregoro

00 : 50 = ICCHI vs Onakki
05 : 00 = ICCHI vs Jaa
07 : 55 = Chuugen vs Jaa
11 : 55 = Mobu vs Jaa
16 : 00 = Mobu vs Taro Kichi
20 : 35 = ??? vs Taro Kichi
23 : 25 = ??? vs Tanishi
27 : 50 = ??? vs Tana
32 : 30 = Shingo vs Tana

00 : 20 = Damu vs Tana
04 : 55 = Asa vs Tana
08 : 40 = Okome vs Tana
13 : 05 = Okome vs Zeri
16 : 30 = Okome vs Jun
20 : 20 = Okome vs Seichuu
23 : 05 = Okome vs Kumo
27 : 30 = Okome vs Hohei
30 : 30 = Okome vs Akki

00 : 25 = Okome vs Shoki
05 : 20 = Sue vs Shoki
09 : 55 = Azuki Neko vs Shoki
13 : 55 = Keizu vs Shoki
19 : 05 = Keizu vs Nike
23 : 40 = Keizu vs Tenga
27 : 45 = Himojoe vs Tenga

00 : 20 = Mau vs Tenga
04 : 45 = Myu vs Tenga
09 : 30 = Myu vs Kabao
12 : 50 = Myu vs Tatsu
17 : 25 = Myu vs ???
21 : 30 = Myu vs Haregoro
25 : 25 = Picnic vs Haregoro

[donation-can goal_id=’help-gutts-to-evo’ style_id=’default’ show_progress=true show_description=true show_donations=false show_title=true title=”]

BBCP from Acho

Wahahaa I’m playing this game now :3

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