Home  >>  kof  >>  #KOFXIII Fox vs Haregoro THE FUED CONTINUES


   kof ,,   February 4, 2014  32 Comments

Haregoro has been waiting to get revenge since Fox took him out at EVO. So far, in Japan, Fox still had the upper hand.

In this Team Battle, IF they meet, will Haregoro be able to break the losing streak?

Fox has continued to improve and is getting more and more wins at the Team Battles!


Team Battle

Team battle 61, by nico user ??VERSUS.

Masa?ni is Masakuni

Team 1p : Masa?ni , Okome , Kabao , Himojoe , Pam , ???

Team 2p : ICCHI , ??? , Keizu , Shin Yamashin , Mihi , Koga , Alice , Jasmine , Azuki Neko , MaiMai ? Retsu Me Omedeto , Ringo , Yattanetae-chan , Shoki , ??? , Haregoro

00 : 30 = Masakuni vs ICCHI
03 : 25 = Masakuni vs ???
07 : 30 = Okome vs ???
11 : 55 = Okome vs Keizu
15 : 55 = Okome vs Shin Yama
20 : 15 = Okome vs Mihi
25 : 10 = Okome vs Koga

Title : KOF13CL ????VERSUS????????????

Source : http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm22807701

Description : ??????





Alice is also known as Gaku. MaiMai ? Retsu Me Omedeto is Ichimu / Mari.

Team 1p : Kabao , Himojoe , Pam , ???

Team 2p : Koga , Alice , Jasmine , Azuki Neko , MaiMai ? Retsu Me Omedeto , Ringo , Yattane Tae-chan , Shoki , ??? , Haregoro

Players that have left the game :

Team 1p : Masa?ni , Okome

Team 2p : ICCHI , ??? , Keizu , Shin Yamashin , Mihi

00 : 35 = Kabao vs Koga
05 : 05 = Kabao vs Alice
06 : 25 = Kabao vs Jasmine
12 : 45 = Himojoe vs Jasmine
17 : 05 = Himojoe vs Azuki Neko
21 : 25 = Pam vs Azuki Neko
24 : 50 = Pam vs Ichimu

The last one. Yattane Tae-chan is Kana

Team 1p : Pam , ???

Team 2p : Ringo , Yattane Tae-chan , Shoki , ??? , Haregoro

Players that have left the game :

Team 1p : Masa?ni , Okome , Kabao , Himojoe

Team 2p : ICCHI , ??? , Keizu , Shin Yamashin , Mihi , Koga , Alice , Jasmine , Azuki Neko , MaiMai ? Retsu Me Omedeto

00 : 25 = Pam vs Ringo
03 : 30 = Pam vs Kana
06 : 05 = Pam vs Shoki
10 : 40 = Pam vs ???
14 : 40 = Pam vs Haregoro
18 : 15 = ??? vs Haregoro

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