Duelling the KOF 2on2 Top 8

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Duelling the KOF 2on2 Top 8

   kof   January 27, 2014  No Comments


Remember that format is 1st vs 1st and then 2nd vs 2nd. And then if necessary winner vs winner.

1p side : Team ?????
1st : Inocchi , 2nd : Sora

2p side : Team ???????????
1st : Fujishima , 2nd : Tomo???

Part 2

Remember that format is 1st vs 1st and then 2nd vs 2nd. And then if necessary winner vs winner.

1p side : Team ???????
1st : Gussan , 2nd : Ryu

2p side : Team ???????????
1st : Fujishima , 2nd : Tomo???

Part 3

Remember that format is 1st vs 1st and then 2nd vs 2nd. And then if necessary winner vs winner.

1p side : Team ???????????????????
1st : Niryu Hunter Aya , 2nd : Tenga Producer

2p side : Team ?????????????
1st : Nihondaihyou Hosa Rinotomo , 2nd : Nihondaihyou Hosa KouKou

Part 4

The last one. Remember that format is 1st vs 1st and then 2nd vs 2nd. And then if necessary winner vs winner. Kaonore is a “pun” on Kaoru’s name. Kaoru is ??? and Kaonore is ????

1p side : Team ???
1st : ?’ , 2nd : Dune

2p side : Team ?????????
1st : Kaonore , 2nd Woo


Remember that format is 1st vs 1st and then 2nd vs 2nd. And then if necessary winner vs winner.

1p side : Team ???????
1st : Gussan , 2nd : Ryu

2p side : Team ???
1st : Dune , 2nd : ?’

Duelling main page : http://duelling-the-kof.com/index.php
Duelling nico mylist : http://www.nicovideo.jp/mylist/39244750

Title : 1Duelling the KOF 12th Season KOF13CL????8????

Source : http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm22761701

Description : ???????????????vs????????????????????????

2013?11?2???3????????KOF??????Duelling the KOF 12th Season??????2??????8????????????????


Duelling the KOF???http://duelling-the-kof.com/index.php
12th season ??????http://www.nicovideo.jp/mylist/39244750

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