Live Action #Yatagarasu + Campaign Update
Campaign Update!
We’ve reached $45,000!
Character Voting Update!
Tonight we passed $45,000 and to mark the milestone, here is an update on the character voting and a word from the Yatagarasu devs!
Character Vote Ranking
- 1st Chiriakuta: 3,337 votes(!)
- 2nd Aja: 1,491 voes
- 3rd Nene: 1,091 votes
- 4th Qadl: 916 votes
& here is a message from the devs:
Thanks to everyone how has voted so far!
Even if we’re not able to reach our stretch goals, the character voting
is great reference for our future development. The participation rate
is about 10-20%, so there’s strong possibility of the standings changing.
So all backers, please vote for your favorite character! Thank you!
$28,000 and 13 days to go! We can do this!
Please continue to SPREAD THE WORD!!
The 3rd and 4th new characters will be decided by voting by backers. Backers: please send an email to yatagarasuacvote@gmail.com, with subject “Vote” in the subject line and include your name, contribution amount, and character you would like to vote for (Nene, Aja, Qadl, or Chiriakuta) .
$1 of contribution will count for 1 vote, and the characters with the highest votes will be added to the game.
Live Action Video!
The guys from ElGamerCosplayer have done it again!
This time with Yatagarasu! Check it out!
Support this Game http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/yat…
More Live Action Movies http://ElGamerCosplayer.com
— CAST —
Kou – Kenya Parra
Crow – Gonzalo López Rosas
— Staff —
Costumes – Jesús Manuel Campaña
Writer/Director/Editor – Marti Escageda
— Location —
Deportivo “Colón” en Guasave, Sinaloa, Mexico