Austin Tx, Arcade UFO KOF XIII Monthly Tournament

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Austin Tx, Arcade UFO KOF XIII Monthly Tournament

   FGC News ,,,   March 14, 2013  No Comments

This is it! It’s 2013, The KOF XIII year!! Once a month your humble host Vishema(Vicio), will hold a free entry KOF tournament. With a ratio cash prize for the first place only, second and third will get a choice of KOF memorabilia for consolation prizes. The ratio will depend on entrants at venue; Ratio 1, $100 cash prize, requirement for ratio 1 = 8 to 15 entrants. Ratio 2, $200 cash prize, req for 2 = 16 to 24 entrants. Ratio 3, $300, req = 25 and above entrants. :kim:

Just to remind ppl, UFO has ps3 setups with arcade joysticks or you can BYOC no adapters or wireless controllers allowed.

FB page!! takuma1

It’s happening! March 23 at 3pm. First tourney of the series. ;)


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