Nisshinippori Team Versus Matches

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Nisshinippori Team Versus Matches

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This week, Hentai Nikubenki is Kana , Tenga to? is actually Yanagi , Imade Mai is Son Son

Team 1p : Bou , Kinotomo , Pounser , Hentai Nikubenki , Nova , Nagihe , Pam , Tenga to? , Azuki Neko , Gaku , Haregoro? , KouKou

Team 2p : Atsu???? , Anime Sommelier , Azu , ? , Ruiko , Shoki , Imade Mai , Shoshinsha

Team 1p : Nova , Nagihe , Pam , Tenga to? , Azuki Neko , Gaku , Haregoro? , KouKou

Team 2p : Anime Sommelier , Azu , ? , Ruiko , Shoki , Imade Mai , Shoshinsha

Team 1p : Azuki Neko , Gaku , Haregoro? , KouKou

Team 2p : Azu , ? , Ruiko , Shoki , Imade Mai , Shoshinsha

Team 1p : Gaku , Haregoro? , KouKou

Team 2p : Imade Mai , Shoshinsha

Title : KOF13CM ????VERSUS???????????

Description : ??????






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