Cristina calls out 2Pac

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Cristina calls out 2Pac

   FGC News   March 16, 2012  2 Comments

Not quite unlike summoning a spirit from the grave, the UK’s Cristina has put down a challenge to France’s Will2Pac. Though she is small, this grudge is a biggie – Will2Pac knocked her out of the SVB2011 semi finals, as you can see below:

So, at Season Clash, as long as 2Pac doesn’t get killed in a drive by or something random like that, it’ll be first to 5 – ON|Cristina vs MCZ.WDM.Will2Pac!  No California love here, it’ll be on home turf in Paris!

Will 2Pac win again and send Cristina back to the UK?  (Yes that sentence was grammatically correct) Or will Cristina gain her big revenge and poppa those memories of laggy loading times?  Let’s see them hit em up!

We’ll find out this Sunday 18Mar at 12:00 GMT+1 / 06:00 PST!

Go Cristina!!!

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