Sodium Showdown 7 Results
ON veteran Giga D reports on his visit to the Bristol tournament scene with a photo gallery and video of the finals:
“Welcome to Bristol – the “westside” of the UK. Bare graffiti over everything. Think of it like this some brass part of London but no litter and the ppl are “normal” and not crackheads heh. Venue is very close to train station, walking distance. Like walking from Tottenham Court Road to Warren Street.
– Onto Venue and event:
Marvel, SF4 and many many other games like Blazblue got played. I saw all sorts, “old” games like FOTNS got brought in. Think of it like Native Gaming but where they allow Sf4.
I like how all sorts of ppl travelled to this event from Cardiff and South England. . . and ppl in London complain about going to Yates.
—You go into this place called The Lanes on Nelson street. Go upstairs to “luckys”. Great facilities overall, toilets food etc. Chairs are great, very comfortable, doesn’t get too hot inside and lots of room. Setups were ready at 2p.m. sharp, everything started on time, moderators were holding back the kof in case London heads showed up, but it was no show (apart from me).
Finals section was some cool little viewing cubicle, but enough space to hold all the ppl recording + VIP specatators. All the trolls could view from the window.
– Onto KOF:
Was hoping to play bullet proof first to 10, dobiq holding out on teachine me Hwa Jai and Robocop would’ve been disqualified anyway for being late according to Big Texas. 🙂 ppl were dissappointed after expectations were raised from London heads saying they were going, but at least I turned up. Games were fun, lots of enthusiasm and some good potential from most players. They got the basics down. What I liked is that although the level gap between myself and beginner players like RaisedByFinches is that he continued to play and ask for advice on how to improve aswell as other ppl. This is quite different from the London scene where ppl do the opposite and try and play you as little as possible.
The only person in the local scene here who goes out of his way to play alot of matches against better opponents is Ryan Hart. That’s someone who’s looking to improve and doesn’t care how. Everyone just wants to play you as little as possible. When you go to an event and you have to corner them like some bailiff just to get to play them and even then they don’t want to play you alot.
KOF finals: First to 2 wins, double OCV on Bristols best with Drink Pink team. Thx to Finch for the colours 🙂 Shame about the recording problems though.
Next stop Hypespotting in Glasgow next month. I said mans got sponsored. Thafe yea?”
You can see the brackets here.