Guess who won the STA 3.2 Ranbats?

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Guess who won the STA 3.2 Ranbats?

   FGC News   January 23, 2012  2 Comments

This is going to be quite hard to watch for some, because things could have been so different if they just didn’t DROP THAT COMBO!!!!

Grand finals at 1:17… shocking stuff.

Watch live video from IPLAYWINNER on

Now in my humble opinion, there is no “getting back in the lab”.  All that combo practice won’t help you when it comes to handling tournament pressure.  The only practice for tournament pressure is ENTERING TOURNAMENTS.  You’ve got to go for it!

Congratulations to MichelS as the winner, Orochinagi salutes you!  Now settle that fued with Hotpockets 😀

MichelS forgot what happens when you sign a pact with Orochi

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