98 FE Ratio Matches JPN

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98 FE Ratio Matches JPN

Final Edition Ratio Match. Originally from Nico, courtesy of SMOAI (as usual)

[quote=”The Professor”]
Ratio chart (max 6.5)

Eiji, Brian(Ex Step), Alt&Norm Mary, Iori(Run), Alt&Norm Yashiro, Heidern, Normal Kyo(Ex), Alt&Norm Ryo(Ex), Alt&Norm Yuri, Alt King, Kim (Ex Step), Choi, Alt&Norm Chris, Lucky(Ex), Alt&Norm Geese, Leona(Run), Alt Yamazaki(Ex), Chizuru, Alt Shermie

Iori (Step), Normal Kyo(Adv), Benimaru, Goro(Run), Alt&Norm Andy (Ex), Alt&Norm Ryo(Adv), Kim(excluding Ex Step), Mature, Vice(Ex), Normal Shermie, Normal King, Saishu(Ex), Brian(Ex Run or Adv Step), HeavyD, Krauser, Alt Yamazaki(Adv), Normal Yamazaki(Ex), Alt&Norm Mai, Athena (Adv), Leona (Step), Rugal. Alt Robert(Ex), Normal Joe(Ex)

Alt Kyo, Ralf, Kensou, Normal Yamazaki(Adv), Alt&Norm Billy, Lucky(Adv), Vice(Adv), Saishu(Adv), Big, Kasumi(Ex), Alt&Norm Andy(Adv), Goro(Step), Alt Robert(Adv), Athena(Ex), Normal Robert(Ex), Normal Joe(Adv), Alt Joe(Ex), Clark, Shingo

Alt&Norm Terry(Ex), Normal Robert(Adv), Chang(Ex), Chin(Ex), Kasumi(Adv), Takuma, Alt Joe(Adv)

Alt&Norm Terry(Adv), Chang(Adv), Chin(Adv), Brian(Adv Run)







Another Ratio match, I can’t tell at first glance if it’s related to the previous vid since I haven’t checked it up on nico and I am actually yet to see anything.


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