2k2um XBLA Netcode is fine in Japan

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2k2um XBLA Netcode is fine in Japan

   FGC News   November 8, 2010  9 Comments


The Professor from mmcafe.com reports:

“KOF2002UM for the XBLA, its netplay is being blasted for lag even within Japan.”

Oh wow. So much for 24mb infrastructure not needing good netcode.

In related news, I’ve been playing it.? It’s fun, with my friends who are too lazy to walk to my house.? The ping setting is very innaccurate, but generally, anything over 80 is probably going to involve unblockable fireballs and overheads.

Perhaps it’s time to make a new poll?

Something like:

  • Dear SNK, I swear I won’t buy XIII if the netcode is not good enough
  • It’s ok SNK, I’ll still buy XIII and get my ass out of my chair to go play people
  • Chair + Donut + Playing with yourself FTW

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