KOF XIII Tougeki 2010 Videos

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KOF XIII Tougeki 2010 Videos

   FGC News ,,   August 2, 2010  4 Comments

Edit: Here’s the youtube version from smoai

First batch of videos are in:



first qualification day

kudos to Aion @srk forum

awesome kyo’s combo and mature infinity[/quote]

Btw, if you’ve got a Nico username and password, if you email them to me, I can upload more of these to youtube for the rest of the community.

Quality of play?? Not that amazing. Level? Doesn’t seem that high.? For the first match anyway.? This is what should encourage you to enter more tournaments- as per my recent visit to Japan, not everyone’s an expert!? Even I got some wins over there!? Of course, as the knockouts begin, we’ll see the cream rise to the top – I wonder if Kyabetsu entered…

Edit: OMG the Daimon player is using the no bar required EX ground slam bug, comboing it off anti airs- nasty!

Holy crap did you see that Kyo combo???? SICK!


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