#KOFXIV at EVO 2016 confirmed

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#KOFXIV at EVO 2016 confirmed

   kof ,,,   July 7, 2016  12 Comments

With free entry, and cold hard cash prize for top 3.

And the fgc fans went insane.

Atlus just announced:

  • $1,400 for 1st place
  • $700 for 2nd
  • $350 for 3rd



All Day: THE KING OF FIGHTERS XIV Freeplay and Tournament Practice Stations


All Day: THE KING OF FIGHTERS XIV Freeplay Stations

12:00 PM – 1:00 PM: SNK Developers Panel

1:00 PM – 1:30 PM: SNK Developers Autograph Session

2:00 PM : Side Tournament (ATLUS Booth) Matches Begin

TBD: Special Exhibition Match

TBD: Side Tournament Top 8


Well I wonder what that special exhibition match is all about? Surely it wouldn’t have anything to do with certain celebrities taking an interest in KOF, eh? Well, nothing’s confirmed yet so let’s just see what happens.

Tsk, where are the KOF fan wrestlers?

At any rate, we’ll have another signing session, and lots of other things to wreck your concentration and cause disqualification in other tournaments! The whole weekend has SNK written all over it and the game hasn’t even been released yet!!!

Is it August yet?  RETSGO already!!!

You can read the full announcement by Atlus here


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