DM is the most famous gamer place in Chile, especially for fighters, holding regular events and tournaments. They have worked with ON.Torta and EVO winner Kane Blueriver, helping beginners and experts come together to play old games and new! Dream match is a few steps away from “Palacio de la Moneda”, the seat of the president, which is like the white house of Chile, and headquarters to many ministries.
Inside the venue you have 6 arcade cabinets, 3 of them are candy cabs (just 1 with japanese parts) and 3 are “american” cabinets 2 neogeo mvs dedicated cabs for kof98 and 2002. Nowadays most of the console setups are ps4 and wiiU for smash brothers. There’s also a Switch for pokemon. There are 3 cheap as hell computers for league of legends and basic browsing.
DM also serves a printing /copying service for people that don’t go to play games and just want some documents printed! Inside DM there are snacks and the local energy drink called “Sinapsis”