The Draft 5 Tournament #kofxv

Ok, he said, when he really should have taken the opportunity to stay in bed instead, let’s do another draft mode tournament. But this time, we’re going to keep things smoothly running with no coin toss, no position switching, we’re just going to go with the default settings as SNK intended. Register here Continue reading “The Draft 5 Tournament #kofxv”

The Craziest Changes from Patch 2.10 #KOFXV

Updated with maybe the most significant find from Tennkawa about DuoLon and maybe what we are supposed to be looking for. At the same time, the general opinion is that Duo Lon is weak and predictions are that he will be overly buffed in the next patch.

It seems a good patch to remove the top tier that should give us all new grand finals. However, some characters remain strong, simply requiring a more careful hand, Continue reading “The Craziest Changes from Patch 2.10 #KOFXV”

Olympic Video Games & KOF #EAYG2023

Esports is slowly becoming more accepted as an Olympic Sport.  In 2021 at the SEA games there was LOL and PUBG,  then in 2022, DOTA, LOL, Dream3Kingdoms and SFV were featured at the 19th Asian Games.  For the Asian Games 2026, which will be held in Japan, it has already been declared that Esports will be medal winning games. Continue reading “Olympic Video Games & KOF #EAYG2023”

Community Mayhem 23 and…

I’ve been busy, but I’m still sorry. It’s nearly the end of summer, and it’s been as quick as expected. SNK finally added new ranks and matchmaking improved, so even while other players have started training other games, KOFXV is getting another booster.  I’m not going to mention vaccines but it has to be said that no matter how amazing the patch is,, and even how strong and interesting Najd is, player numbers always spike and then fall. The new immortal rank has been reached by a few, but that’s not without accepting pings of 100 or so.  And while the game is certainly playable at 100ms, that doesn’t mean it’s enjoyable.  Anyway, I’m having enough fun with Goenitz and I would really like to see a season 3, although that seems to be less and less likely, as SNK just announced 3 other projects they have started.  Still, with the SNKWC on the horizon, there is certainly life in this one year old dog yet.  Smash Bros is a game from 2018 and KOF13 is still a thing. Speaking of old dogs, there is a community tournament going on tomorrow , and it’s quite the leap of faith for the net code.

Does x even support embedded tweets anymore?

I got my invite quite late but that’s not Raito’s fault. Then I got invited to join the NeoGeoMen, which reminds me of a doujinshi but that’s neither here nor there. I’ll be joining and bringing the Shermie power along with Frionel.

Also there’s a new documentary about Misterio but those who know, know they can’t tell the full story. Maybe one day.

Did you see xbox finally has an exclusive? Persona 3 remaster looking good!

VSFXI aftermath

All I can say is, this tournament is currently held in high regard by viewers all over the world.  Why?  Because of the character variety.  It’s always a challenge for players to submit to the top tiers, and sometimes it comes back to bite them in the ass, for various reasons.

Some of the players have complained about their performance and that being indicative of the scene but frankly if you watch The Fight in Colombia you will certainly see a different style of fighting, and it certainly makes you wonder.  Some of the matches feel like they are just playing one second ahead, as if online with a laggy connection, and just taking chances with their strategy, while in the UK it seemed more reactive to real live situations.  That’s just a quick view, mind you.

What is certainly clear is that if you haven’t seen it, you should definitely watch VSFXI.  You will see a variety of characters perhaps unmatched in the world right now: Kukri, Antonov, Isla, Clark, Mai, King… and of course great commentary provided by Frelissimo and Grimulus.

I don’t believe the players should downplay themselves, what I saw was real psychological damage, and who has the answer to dealing with the stress of trying to win with a ticket to Japan on the line?  There are new faces in the community with lightning reflexes, so it’s going to get even harder from this point on to stay in the top 10, anyone up there should be very proud of themselves, and the rest just needs to keep playing!

Congrats to Kong, it will great to see him in Japan for the SNK World Championship, and thanks to everyone who did their best!


Replay (direct link here)

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