#kof13 Team Battle with Commentary in English

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#kof13 Team Battle with Commentary in English

   FGC News   June 11, 2013  No Comments

finally finished it! Never doing that again! I mean, commentating afterwards.


Team A:
Totor Renegad Mamut Prisca Defi Tom Sawyer Will2Pac Salim

Team B:
Kamel Salad Shaman Yashiro Hombre Samba Frionel JPKOF


Team A:
Renegad Totor Comisr Lord Med Prisca Mamut Shinkawa Pharaon Tom Sawyer Salim

Team B
Salad Kamel Shaman Hombre Gunsmith Jerome Samba Will2Pac Tahar Frionel JPKOF

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