20th Anniversary Art, #KOF Universe, #UNIEL, #EHRGEIZ #P4U2

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20th Anniversary Art, #KOF Universe, #UNIEL, #EHRGEIZ #P4U2

20th Anniversary Arts

From Reinhold Hoffman:

the KOF series turns exactly 20 years old today on the 25th August and we from the Game-Art-HQ Community found this important enough to organize an art collaboration by over 35 fans with the main focus on the many teams in the King of Fighters history. From KOF’94 up to XIII almost every game in the series is featured, fans from the USA, Asia, Australia and Europe participated in the project including some guys which work in the VG Industry.


The complete Gallery can be seen here http://www.game-art-hq.com/76782/kof-1994-2014-the-game-art-hq-community-tribute-for-the-20th-anniversary-of-the-king-of-fighters-series/

All submissions have descriptions of the teams or single characters and their roles in the specific games they are from as well as personal notes by the artists about the characters and the King of Fighters in general.

There are over 40 works, check them out!


From Gerardo Sotelo:


Que tal amigos de Orochinagi.
Es un honor presentarles uno de mis mayores proyectos hasta la fecha: la Revista KOF UNIVERSE.
Luego de varios meses de trabajo al lado de grandes grupos y personas, por fin les hacemos llegar nuestro más reciente proyecto cuyo único objetivo es brindar un merecido homenaje a nuestro juego favorito, pero sobre todo a ustedes que día a día han apoyado mi blog de KOF Universe.
Los invito a que vean y disfruten de este material, pueden ver la revista online en mi página de ISSUU:


O si lo prefieren pueden descargarla directamente de la cuenta de Mega o Mediafire:



Espero que discuten de esta revista como yo disfrute haciéndola para todos ustedes. ¡Disfrútenla y compártanla!

Duelling the KOF Kyoto Qualifier in Paris!



 Help us get players to Kyoto to represent the Gaijin Team in the 3on3!  For more info, click the pic!

[donation-can goal_id=’duelling2014′ style_id=’default’ show_progress=true show_description=true show_donations=false show_title=true title=”]


And now the burning question.

Will UNIEL die?

P4U2 will be released in two days!!!

Who is worse? Mitsuru or Gordeau?

Check out this match featuring … death combos (thx Ben! )

This is pretty ridiculous.

And remember, P4U never got a patch.

I doubt UNIEL will get a patch, and considering what Arcsys did to remove the hitbox viewer, I get the impression they’re not so bothered – all focus will be on GGXRD. Persona games are disposable, they know the anime fanbase will buy it up.  And they’re right, I’ll buy it too, but I’ll wait for the English language version.  Actually, thanks to Ben‘s video I will probably wait for the bargain bucket price drop.

Offline replays from VERSUS DOJO




Recent Tournament action from Acho, featuring TIFA and CLOUD from Final Fantasy (remember EHRGEIZ was a Squaresoft game)

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