#usf4 sako vs daigo #KOF98 Competition #UNIEL Nanase combos #UNIB #DOA #BBCP
KOF98 IOS Giveaway!
Simply visit https://www.facebook.com/K0FW0RLD and LIKE!
Random winners will be picked to get KOF98 on IOS!!
Please share!
Ps if you’re an old fan, you could unlike and then like to enter the competition :3
They also have a creative competition going so check it out!
Double your chances by doing the same with Orochinagi!
We’ll announce winners until gift codes have run out!
Did you import this game to get the jump on your friends or just coz you were bored? Here’s some combos!!!
Capcom USF4 Special in Regza
Featuring Sako, Bon Chan, Daigo, Mago, Kazunoko & More from the Capcom Channel (JP)
BBCP from Acho
DOA Summer Fighting Carnival! from Acho
Follow SNK for news and giveaways @SNKPOFFICIAL !
The FGC Pro
Ever thought about running your own event, or wanted to know what goes on behind the streams?
Check out this guide, available from amazon for only $3.72!