Today’s Streams #Stunfest #NWM6

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Today’s Streams #Stunfest #NWM6


Man, did you see the breakers finals with Justin Wong? Nice!!!

Main stream going on right now.

Times are in French local time.

[FR] Stunfest 2014 – Grande Scène – Dimanche par 3hitcombo

English Stream

[EN] Stunfest 2014 – English Stream – Sunday par 3hitcombo


Stunfest KOF Solo Results

  1. MM.Salim
  2. MCZ.Luis Cha
  3. MD.Luffy
  4. CDV.Will2Pac


They will start streaming about 9pm GMT /10pm French Time

After the Reynald vs Tokido $2K challenge, what will happen in the tournament? RETSGO!

Top 8 Winners
KCO|Pedro (EX Iori/Benimaru/Mr. Karate)
AS|Reynald (Duo Lon/Mr. Karate/Kim)
TC|Romance (King/Benimaru/Yuri)
MCZ|Tokido (EX Iori/Mr. Karate/Kim)
Top 8 Losers
BE|Kane Blueriver (Raiden/Takuma/Vice, Mr. Karate/Raiden/Vice)
PSG|El Matador (Yuri/Athena/Shen, Athena/Kim/Yuri)
Joel A (Iori/Daimon/Robert)
DanielT (Mr. Karate/Daimon/Saiki)
PSG| El Matador

(thx Hokuto via SRK)

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