Nishinippori Team Battle 28 feat 777

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Nishinippori Team Battle 28 feat 777

   kof ,,   January 2, 2014  3 Comments

The 28th Team battle from Nishinippori Versus, players have 2 lives and the original upload is by niconico user ??? . Due to the low presence of players, everyone was allowed to play on either side as soon as a position opened up.

P4U2 Sei is Yanagi. And I do want to try out that game.

Team 1p : Naruto , P4U2 Sei , 777 , Ganpi

Team 2p : Himojoe , GWAK LORDMED , Shoki

00 : 35 = Naruto vs Himojoe
05 : 55 = Naruto vs Himojoe
10 : 40 = Yanagi vs Himojoe
15 : 10 = 777 vs Himojoe
19 : 35 = Ganpi vs Himojoe
24 : 35 = Ganpi vs GWAK LORDMED
29 : 45 = Ganpi vs Shoki

The last one. 777 does a little bit of guest commenting here, which started in the end of the previous part. Himojoe takes over as MC at the end due to the nature of the last match.

Players that haven’t lost any lives :

Team 1p : Ganpi

Players that have lost a life :

Team 1p : Naruto , P4U2 Sei , 777

Team 2p : GWAK LORDMED , Shoki

Players that have left the game :

Team 2p : Himojoe

00 : 35 = Ganpi vs GWAK LORDMED
04 : 35 = Ganpi vs Naruto
10 : 00 = Ganpi vs Yanagi
14 : 30 = 777 vs Yanagi
19 : 20 = 777 vs Ganpi
23 : 10 = 777 vs Shoki

Title : KOF13CL ????VERSUS?????????????????

Source :

Description : ??????



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