KOF98FE feat. ET and XIII Italy matches #KOFXIII #KOF98FE

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KOF98FE feat. ET and XIII Italy matches #KOFXIII #KOF98FE

   kof ,,   December 2, 2013  No Comments

Here we have a QQGame set between 2 well known players, ET and Baozi [ ?? ]

Original upload by nico user aadream . Don’t ask me about the switched sound effects or the weird colors or the skipped music.

Title : QQGAME KOF98UMFE ???? ET VS ?? Source : http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm22274188 Description : youku?? ?url?ttp://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjM1NjQxOTYw.html1P:ET 2P:?? ??08 KOF98UM ??????ttp://kof98.qq.com/index.shtml

Italian KOF


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