KCE Post Cup and V1 Matches

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KCE Post Cup and V1 Matches

A set of casuals held in Shinjuku Playland Carnival during the 2013/1/13 , The first player side has only Korean players and the second player side has only Japanese players.

Remember to keep yourself in touch with the KCE footage providing sites, like their official website [ http://k-c-e.jp/ ] , their main niconico folder [ http://www.nicovideo.jp/mylist/17443745 ] and their nico community page [ http://com.nicovideo.jp/community/co240353 ] , this way you can watch the latest matches without waiting for youtube; the video quality and frame rate are also better in niconico.

All original nico footage comes from KCE leader ?? / Dune
Title : KOF XIII KCE????????????? after ???KCE??????????

If you have a Nico account, watch this here: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm20265232

Description : ????2013?1?13????????????????????????????KCE?????
?V-1 FINAL????????????????????????????????




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