KoF XIII : ??????? Community Death Combo Reissue

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KoF XIII : ??????? Community Death Combo Reissue

   FGC News   July 16, 2012  1 Comment

Part 2/2

The “Think about it sensibly” community [ Joushikiteki ni Kangaete or ??????? ] is back with another taste of their combo movies, this time with even more creative takes on how to waste a character. The video uploader is also the leader of the community, ??? or Upao
Part -1/2- of this combo movie :

??? Nico community page : http://com.nicovideo.jp/community/co1491017
??? Nico playlist : http://www.nicovideo.jp/mylist/30763870

Title : ??????? KOF13 – ?????2
Source : http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm18294498
Description : ??????sm17490271?




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