The Taxi

  • Getting a taxi
  •  confirming it’s your taxi
  • destination
  • modifying the journey
  • payment
  • tests
  • roleplay

Getting a taxi

verbs : call, book, hop, pick up, drop off,  hail, flag down, take

nouns : cab, taxi, uber, minicab, black taxi, meter (the machine that calculates cost), landline, postcode

adjectives: outside

adverbs: nearly

I’ll call a taxi Continue reading “The Taxi”

Pronunciation & Contractions Round 1

Improve your fluency too!

There are six sets, let’s go!  You can watch the video to check, then check the notes after.

The words in bold sound similar or want you to focus on fluency.

Set 1 of 6

I went to the bank
Thanks for the meeting

I am a believer / the grim reaper
Pull the lever
I will leave her at the station

Look at the pretty river
I have a pain in my liver

Forever a gamer
I’m wearing fake leather

I like fruit
That’s a nice suit
Have you packed your suitcase?

Could you lend me five quid?
This mixture is too liquid

It’s our house

She’s gone out

Joe’s back now

Continue reading “Pronunciation & Contractions Round 1”