Bala, ON Japan #BBCP @versusdojo Results #Yatagarasu, Juicy en Español!

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Bala, ON Japan #BBCP @versusdojo Results #Yatagarasu, Juicy en Español!

   kof ,,,   June 15, 2014  4 Comments

Team ON Japan

Your character loving representatives were in the New Generation Cup 3v3 tournament today! Wait, did I say THREE?


Introducing TENNKAWA P, Japan’s most famous Ash user!  He joins BubblanAB7 and Tortita in the Army of Ash!  We wish him all the best!!!

If you have a premium Nico account, you can see replays here (thanks Prof)

Check out Haregoro’s new hairstyle! :3  Btw Haregoro has been playing another game… but his new character also yells “ORA ORA” and pretty much has the same name!

We wonder if Myu will announce a new tournament soon?

You can follow them on twitter (Japanese)!

@haregoro @tennkawa1989 @shibainutakechi


Bala in Costa Rica

He’ll be on stream next weekend!


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Yatagarasu Attack on Cataclysm and Sacred Tears TRUE have been approved on Steam Greenlight and are on their way to Steam!

On behalf of everyone at Nyu Media, the Yatagarasu dev team, and AlphaNuts, THANK YOU to all who voted for our games on Steam Greenlight!

Work is in progress on both games right now and we plan to have them with you from summer. Watch out for updates and announcements here on Facebook and on the @NyuMedia Twitter account!

? Yatagarasu Attack on Cataclysm ?

? Sacred Tears TRUE ?


BBCP Results for Ranbat at VS Dojo

Thanks to ArcSystems Work for the support!!!

IMG_2297[1] IMG_2295[1]

I got pretty battered, but learnt so much in 3 hours! Congrats to all, and what a Tager!! And still not a Kokonoe in sight! It feels like the average high level match goes like this:

1.You block attack strings
2.You get hit by a projectile that stuns you or an attack that you blocked wrong
3.You lose half your life
4.You have to choose how/when to tech roll
5.If you choose wrong, you burst. If you choose right, go back to 1.
6.Go back to 1.

You get about 2/3 chances to escape per round and then you need to break the opponents guard or find the gap in their attack string. If you can’t punish it with a super combo, go home and practice till you can!

Translation by Google 

Je me suis assez battue, mais tellement appris en 3 heures! Félicitations à tous, et ce un Tager!! Et toujours pas un Kokonoe en vue! Il se sent comme le match moyen de haut niveau va comme ceci:

1. Bloc chaînes d’attaque
2.Vous être touché par un projectile qui vous assomme ou une attaque qui vous avez bloqué mal
3.Vous perdre la moitié de votre vie
4.Vous doivent choisir comment / quand rouleau de technologie
5.If vous choisissez mal, vous éclatez. Si vous choisissez de droite, revenir à 1.
6.Go à 1.

Vous obtenez environ 2/3 de chances d’échapper par tour et vous avez besoin de briser la garde des adversaires ou trouver l’écart dans leur chaîne d’attaque. Si vous ne pouvez pas le punir avec un super combo, rentrer à la maison et de pratiquer jusqu’à ce que vous le pouvez!

Juicebox en Español!

Chris Santoso sent me the newest translation of Juicebox’s tutorials on KOF! Check it out!





… wait… whose stick is this?




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