Future 3

What is it for? When should we not use it?

In this part, we will cover point

  1. Future & Continuous action
  2. Plans
  3. Decisions I
  4. Decisions II
  5. Opinions  / Predictions
  6. Future Perfect


Decisions I

There are three ways to express decisions:  I will, I am going to & I was going to.

Of course you can also say, I decided to or I have decided to, but using will and going to is more usual.

Decision now = I will

Use future simple to express an action in the future.
The future simple is also used to express a decision that is made now, often as a reaction.

subject + will + infinitive without to

You see an old person with a heavy suitcase near the stairs.  You say:
O: I’ll help you
X: I help you
X: I am helping you

Reminder: I will (formal) = I’ll (casual)

When you decide to do something, even if the action starts as you say it, we still use the future simple.  

– I woke up late, please tell the tournament organiser!
X: OK, I do that!
O: OK, I’ll do that!

– Well, it’s late, I have to go.
X: I call a taxi.
O: I’ll call a taxi.

-You’ve forgotten to register.
-Ah, I’ll do that now.


As a reaction, use future simple to express a decision made now.

No, I won’t give you my ice cream!


Decision before = I’m going to

I’m going to watch the next episode right now!

This is different to the future simple.  This expresses a decision that was made in the past.

subject + (to be) + going + (to infinitive)

I am going to watch the next episode = I have decided to watch the next episode. I am expressing the decision was made before speaking.

“I have decided to” is the same as I am going to, but it is more formal.

I will watch the next episode = I decided now / as I speak, or just before.

I’m going to go to the cinema
I’m going to kill you!

Notice the difference!

  • I’ll kill you
  • I’m going to kill you

Both can be said as an immediate response –
but the first shows the action in the future or a decision made now while the second shows a decision made in the past.


Furious, not thinking, snapping, violent, aggressive : I’ll kill you

Thinking, planning, threatening, incredulous: I’m going to kill you


  1. Future vs Continuous action
  2. Plans
  3. Decisions I
  4. Decision II
  5. Opinions / Predictions
  6. Future Perfect

Credits / Sources:

Cambridge English Grammar in Use by Raymond Murphy
Cambridge CELTA

The King of Fighters is copyright SNK