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Post by nevadash » Fri May 18, 2007 13:31

Oh yes, I vaguely remember that sickening feeling of waking up into a cruel reality where the good things you just dreamt about are either practically unattainable, lost changes in the past, or dead.

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Post by Fuu » Sun Jun 10, 2007 09:17

i'm having really strange and violent dreams these days.
In one of these i brutally killed one guy for trivial reasons, then when he was back as a ghost to kill me, i told him that revenge is such a futile and low thing to exert, so he started killing random people instead of me.

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Post by Perfect Stranger » Sun Jun 10, 2007 09:20

Fuu wrote:i'm having really strange and violent dreams these days.
In one of these i brutally killed one guy for trivial reasons, then when he was back as a ghost to kill me, i told him that revenge is such a futile and low thing to exert, so he started killing random people instead of me.
Fuu gets away with murder XD

I had a dream a few days ago that I got married to my girlfriend and our child was a freak. Like, I mean, the baby had a stump for an arm and a monster face with killer teeth to match.

*contemplates vasectomy*

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Post by Shiny » Sun Jun 10, 2007 09:44

Fuu wrote:i'm having really strange and violent dreams these days.
In one of these i brutally killed one guy for trivial reasons, then when he was back as a ghost to kill me, i told him that revenge is such a futile and low thing to exert, so he started killing random people instead of me.
Just as planned.

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Post by Sheba » Mon Jun 11, 2007 18:58

Creepy dream I had:

Past midnight, I was thirsty and a tad hungry. I thought about that swedish sandwich I saved up for later and my raspberry juice. While going to the fridge, I met a kid and yet was not worried to find a perfect stranger in my home, he asked nicely "Can I have some food."
This tone in his voice somehow get me to accept his request, so we got together to the fridge.

I opened the door and the light was shed on the boy.
It was one of the creepiest boy I've ever meet, he was platinum blonde and had a very pale complexion. He looked a tad skinny yet he would make melt a mother, but his sharp pointy teeth and his glowing red eyes were not the most normal features found in a child.

But with his charming voice he asked me to find some food for him, I couldn't help but obey him. I found my can of raspberry juice and sip it while looking for my sandwich and some food for the kid in the veggie storage.

I spat my juice because of its taste and what I have seen in the veggie storage:
The juice was actually blood, while the veggie storage was fully filled with severed human limbs.
I looked at the boy who laughed at me and greeted me, for he was the Devil himself.

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Post by Margoyle » Sun Jul 08, 2007 03:14


Playing a little catch-up. Some of these are pretty awesome, though. Some of them not-so-awesome (like Fuu's... geh).

I just had a dream in which I was wrestling in the middle of a busy intersection and I had to dodge cars. but we HAD TO WRESTLE THERE, NO MATTER WHAT.

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Post by Alseid » Sun Jul 08, 2007 21:44

This isn't one of mine (which are usually dull and uneventful), but it's funny enough to mention:

The other day, a friend-classmate-chick told me she dreamed that our college had turned into a fascist military state, only the building was that of her old school (strangely enough, this whole thing plays no part in the "interesting" part of the dream).
At some point, I was talking to her, just joking around and so, but suddenly, for some reason, I grabbed her arse, two handed, and so hard that I lifted her off the ground for a bit.
Now she kinda blushes a bit when around me, and somehow thinks it's all my fault, rather than her subconcious'.

And, of course, I wouldn't be the right bastard I am if I didn't tease her about it constantly.

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Post by Margoyle » Wed Jul 18, 2007 23:56


I've had two really weird dreams.

One involved me getting into an argument with my boyfriend, and deciding to cool off, I'd climb to our 40th floor apartment (which in reality, we don't have) through other peoples' bedrooms. All of the bedrooms had sort of tunnels that lead to the upper floors. I was actually having a lot of fun doing this, until I got into the bedroom of some mean lady who was having a party. She had a sort of arrogance to her and her house was full of fancy crap, so I assumed she was rich. Her sour attitude turned me off and I heard her talking smack about me in the next room so I was like "you know what, forget it" and then I woke up.

In the other dream, I was the same age I am now but for whatever reason I was getting adopted (FYI, I'm way above adoption age, so WTF) by a couple who were kind of severe with me and had that sort of arrogant attitude like in the last dream. I apparently needed to make more money if I wasn't to be adopted but I couldn't find my paystubs to prove I made enough. I was in some govt guy's office who was doing the adopting and I noticed torn up papers that happened to be my paystubs. I got super suspicious and started to sneak out so I could run away but the "husband" who was adopting me found me out and I started to run. End.

I think these dreams are stemming from my anxiety from my new job, in which so many people are serious and professional and I'm not serious at all.

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Post by Gunsmith » Fri Jul 20, 2007 08:35

I can see you're also anxious about KNOWING about internet relationships "behind" your bf's back. The bedrooms represent the orgy rooms in Care Bear Castle. The mean lady represents K' and his mean but attractive demeanour. If you listened closely in your dream you would have heard Style losing his virginity. In the other dream Sheba is represented by the govt guy because he is currently in Cambodia being shown prospective wives against his will. I am the torn up papers and Iori E is the husband. This is commON enki-wyler anxiety. I say this because it sounds obviously fake BUT YOU KNOW IT'S TRUE! :P

Solution: Tell your bf that you have online friends who have orgies, but don't really. And you only watch. He will understand and you will feel free of guilt! Now eat tacos.

*runs and hides in dumpster*


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Post by Fat Cat Lim » Fri Jul 20, 2007 17:25

I recently had a dream where I was driving in tandem with a faceless girl behind me and when we stopped we started to grope pet and heavily kiss each other and it was getting really good until my mobile phone alarm rang and I woke up horny and frustrated.

Goddamn alarms always waking me at the best parts. :-(

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Post by Shiny » Fri Jul 20, 2007 19:37


Man, this dream was so strange, I had to document it before I forget it.

It started with me, my cousin Deadbeat, a female cousin of mines that is older than me, and me and Deadbeat's parents. We had all went to some family get-together in some metropolis, and we were heading back. We had stopped @ a grocery store, so we pulled into a strip mall that had one..we had passed by a store, and I remember passing by a store where my female cousin had said something to the effect of: "I bet there's something in there you want!" he replied smugly, "stfu".


Then for some reason, I flashback to somebody's dance/prom, but it was all done in spotty, grainy Ring-esque film. People like Michael Jackson, Al Green, Patti LaBelle, and such were there...and whats so weird, is when they showed up @ the dance/prom (which was as big as holding a dance in a living room..I remember the cramped atmosphere), when I recognized them, their name would appear @ the bottom of the screen in cursive. O_O

It gets weirder though.

After the flashback...I find myself dozing in the car with my sister & my uncle. For some reason he keeps changing to my cousin Deadbeat. In either case, we keep bothering my sister to stop somewhere to eat, because we are starving...she finally complies, and we stop @ a place to get something to eat. I don't even remember eating, so I'll move on.

Next, I find myself standing by a HUGE cotton field with my uncle somewhere in the woods..the scenery was beautiful...billowy clouds filled the sky, and there was a wonderful breeze. In either case, we start walking across it...and this is where I know I have some kind of consciousness in my dreams: I took my shoes off to feel the cotton under my feet, because I wanted to. :o

We make it pass the cotton field into a shaded wooded area, but there are two paths: One that is dark as fuck and seriously ominious, and then another one that is lighted and autumn-esque, greyish-sky with leaves on the ground..we take the lighted path, only to see we end up having to short cut through the dark path.

There was weird adventure music playing throughout that whole part...

We make it down the path with no problem until we find ourselves in this large dark area thats rather lair-ish, with a opening that had a blue-ish light protruding from it. It seemed to be that the walls were made of bark, with water gushing down from each wall, and into a large pool @ the front of the lair. We proceed to the door when something loud as hell bellows from the pool. This bigass caribou-looking creature rises from it, and slowly gets out the pool because it sensed me and my shape shifting family member.

We run back to the entrance from the dark path and hide behind a door adjacent to it (dont know how it got there) until we heard the big creature amble by. Lemme note that I saw the silouette of the caribou-ish creature, but I didn't see its actual face..

After a couple of minutes, we dart to the door within the lair, and...I end up in the boondocks. wtf. There's a broke-down tractor near the door we just came out of, an abandoned barn in the distance, and a small little modest house with people on the porch.

I turned around and looked to see if that monster was still around...and it was. Except it wasn't as hostile as we thought..it just looked @ us as we walked towards the house...Oh yeah...the caribou creature had a face that looked like a dog..another wtf.

We make it close to the house to ask the people on the porch a ?..and I really ftw'd. Imagine the Dr. Wily skull...you know, the skull that the fortress is usually made out of? And put flesh over it. And add little black dots in the middle of the eyesockets for eyes. We decided not to ask any ?s, and pretended we didn't see these people and walked down the road in front of that house. We saw all kinds of Dr.Wily skull-head ppl doing everyday things, mowing their lawns, kids playing and such..and as the sun set, their beady little black eyes turned yellow...and by then I woke the hell up.

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Post by Margoyle » Sat Jul 21, 2007 03:12

Gunsmith wrote:I can see you're also anxious about KNOWING about internet relationships "behind" your bf's back. The bedrooms represent the orgy rooms in Care Bear Castle. The mean lady represents K' and his mean but attractive demeanour. If you listened closely in your dream you would have heard Style losing his virginity. In the other dream Sheba is represented by the govt guy because he is currently in Cambodia being shown prospective wives against his will. I am the torn up papers and Iori E is the husband. This is commON enki-wyler anxiety. I say this because it sounds obviously fake BUT YOU KNOW IT'S TRUE! :P

Solution: Tell your bf that you have online friends who have orgies, but don't really. And you only watch. He will understand and you will feel free of guilt! Now eat tacos.

*runs and hides in dumpster*

I'm totally going to show him this. It'll be awesome.
I can't help it! Yall such sexy broads, and of course I always dream of the moment Style loses his virginity, I mean, who doesn't? Don't hate me for my imperfections.

RE PS: Ehhhhh? What did I do?

Shiny: What the hell was that, the world's longest dream? Seriously, that dream is ridiculously long.

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Post by SonicTempest » Sat Jul 21, 2007 03:20

I had a dream where I went to the store to buy a Wii and Sonic and the Secret Rings, only to find out my account was empty.

Oddly enough my bank account is running a little low at the moment. :p

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Post by Shiny » Sat Jul 21, 2007 07:41

Margoyle wrote:Shiny: What the hell was that, the world's longest dream? Seriously, that dream is ridiculously long.
I think they were different dreams, but they ran together. I typed that dream out as soon as I woke up, no weird ass detail missed.

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Post by Gunsmith » Sat Jul 21, 2007 14:35

great dream Shiny! You'll not forget it now you've written it down.

And... Totally feel the angst of waking up just as a wet dream is about to get good. Damn it!

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