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Re: KOF XIII - Trial Mode Vids

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 02:18
by Dark_Chaotix
It has been awhile since I last did a trial vid, so here is the master Takuma Sakazaki!

2. Have to go neutral then qcf+A/C in order to get normal fireball. If not, DM will come out after f+B

4. Really quick with your inputs for the cA to hit. Also quick on the DM input

5. Shadow small jump is needed to link the fbf+AC when you land.

6. cA is a 1 frame link, and prob the hardest part of this combo. Just have to practice it really. For the SDM to come out after the qcf+A/C fireball, have to input the SDM really quick even tho the fireball hasn't hit yet.

7. Make sure you aren't using a Drive Cancel to link fbf+A/C after db~f+B. If done at the highest peak, you won't do a DC.

8. Initiate the db~f+D after the last hit of fbf+A/C. Timing can be tricky.

9. The first qcf+AC has to be done as soon as you land for maximum height because if you don't, the rest of the combo will whiff.

Re: KOF XIII - Trial Mode Vids

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 02:19
by Dark_Chaotix
Straight into it with Ryo after Takuma!

2. Unlike older KoF games where this link you have to do it fairly quick, here you have to delay the cC a fraction.

5. NM has to be straight after the EX qcf+AC, or else it will whiff.

6. I actually found this to be one of his harder combo in the entire set. You can't do dp+C~A for the fireball to come out, you have to actually to the fireball motion, which is ok since he doesn't have an overlapping DM.

You need to hit the second DP at the right height or else it will whiff. The fireball after the EX fireball has to be done quick or else the DM will whiff even tho it looks like it will connect.

7. Have to get your input right as sloppy inputs lead to the fireball DM.

8. When in HD mode, you can do dp+C~A and the fireball will come out, which makes it easier.

9. Usually trial 9 is the hardest but not for Ryo. Just remember to get your inputs right for when you do EX fbf+AC.

10. When going into HD, make sure you get as close to the opponent as possible. I also do the fireball motion after the EX DP+AC because pressing the button only didn't give me success. The timing was weird I found, so i the full motions. After that, button presses for the fireball was ok to do.

Re: KOF XIII - Trial Mode Vids

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 02:20
by Dark_Chaotix
Robert Garcia is up next!

1. The cA to f+B has to be done quick.

3. Same as Trial 1, cA to f+B link has to be quick.

5. Fireball after EX hcf+BD has to be done straight away. Precise inputs needed for dp+A into EX fbf+BD, or else you will get EX hcf+BD instead.

6. Some tricky parts in this combo. First one is that the jC doesn't have to be done real quick as jBD has decent hitstun and the jC is only a small jump. Once you do air EX qcb+BD, charge for EX db~f+BD straight away. When it comes to hitting the dp+C, you have to wait till you switch the right way and do the dp+C late. If not, the fireball will whiff and so will the DM.

7. Air qcb+D has to be done at the apex of the dp+C. Everything else falls into place.

9. Make sure you are as close as you can be after you do BC sC into dp+C, so air EX qcb+BD hits properly. Also do a qcb~ub motion for the second EX air qcb+BD to hit. You also have to charge straight away after each air qcb move is done. The last dp+C into qcf+A has to be done fairly low or fireball will whiff.

10. Start charging as soon as you do sD after BC, the rest is straight forward.

Re: KOF XIII - Trial Mode Vids

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 02:20
by Dark_Chaotix
Goro Daimon and using this to test 60fps!

1.This is a link and need a slight delay before doing the throw.

4. Run a little so the grab connects

5. You can cancel the DM on the last few frames of df+C, so it doesn't need to be inputted like the older KoF's.

6. The cancels between moves have to be done fairly quick.

7. When running in to do df+C, make sure you go to neutral then do hcf+C or else you will get dp+A instead.

9. sA, sA, sB BC has to be done really quick so its easy to get confused. When doing df+C, the second ones has to be done straight away similar to K' f+A link. The hcf+A can be done after df+C has finished. The moves are reversed since you are putting the opponent on the opposite side.

10. NM done just before DM is finished.

Re: KOF XIII - Trial Mode Vids

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 02:21
by Dark_Chaotix
2. Tight link where the command grab needs to be inputted fairly quick.

4. There are 2 ways to do the followup to qcf+B/D. First one is doing it properly which is qcf+B/D~d,u+B/D or the shortcut is qcf+B/D~uf+B/D. During these trails ill be using both methods depending on the situation. I personally find doing it properly is easier but it whatever you feel like is comfortable.

5. qcb+AC is done ASAP once you let the opponent go. qcf+D comes out pretty fast and you want it to hit as high as possible so the second rep can hit.

Also, there is a fairly large window available for the followup, so it doesn't need to be input straight away, which is really good for hit confirming. It helps in these trials as you can time things better.

I'm also doing the shortcut for this trial of the qcf+B/D.

6. To do air qcf+A/C, you do qcf~uf+A/C. If done right you will do a small hope and the air qcf+A/C will come out.

7. Shortcut for doing the NM at the end is qcf+B/D, qcf~uf+B/D, qcf+BD. This will get you the followup and the NM.

8. Air qcf+A has to be done at the highest point of the qcf+BD followup. If not, than the qcf+D will whiff. There is a shortcut for the dp+B into qcf+A which is dp+B~A but I don't find pressing A as reliable as doing the full qcf+A motion. I also recommend doing the full motion as it helps with completing the rest of the trials. SDM at the end is a link, not a cancel.

9. Similar to the above trial, again I recommend doing full motions.

10. A combination of all the trials you have done so far. If you can do the previous ones, this one isn't too hard.

Re: KOF XIII - Trial Mode Vids

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 02:22
by Dark_Chaotix
3. When doing the fireball, do a hcf+A/C as trying to do the regular qcf+A/C after df+D may result in a DP instead.

5. rdp+B into DM is done in one motion, so you do rdp+B then qcf+A/C. The second DP into air DM has to be done with proper motions, so can be tricky.

6. First jDown+C has to be done fairly low so the second one will hit.

7. A lot of player find doing dp and rdp difficult and confusing as speed and timing is required. You can do hcbf+A, dp+C if that helps but I find it better to do the proper inputs. I do take some practice tho to do. air DM is done on the second hit of rdp+D.

8. I think it is probably the most frustrating trial for Kyo as players ill get a DM when doing hcb+B/D into dp+C. There are 2 parts that can help. First one is to not let sC after f+B, BC activation get too close, and do it straight away after activation. This give you a bit of distance from the opponent which allows more frames before doing dp+C after hcb+B/D. The other part is to let the stick go neutral after hcb+B/D. With a bit of practice you will get it.

9. You need to do qcbhcf~uf+A/C for the instant air DM input.

10. Get as close as you can when you do the second sD after BC activation and do the air DM slightly delayed so the followup rdp can hit. Hold the DM down for a few frames before doing NM or else NM will whiff.

Re: KOF XIII - Trial Mode Vids

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 04:14
by Dark_Chaotix

3. You can either do this by doing the hcb x2 really quickly like I did, or you can do, cA, hcb+A (during the hcb, you press A when you hit down), hcb+A. I prefer the former.

5. To get enough charge time you have to do db~f~db+A which still gets the shoulder out but also allows you to charge for the next one. Without doing this method, you wont have enough time for the second shoulder.

9. This will come down to muscle memory and a bit of practice. When you jump with D, press and hold it to charge the first DK. Then for the second one you have to activate HD and press C while holding B. So it sorter looks like jD (hold D), sC, BC (hold B) sC. Make sure you DC out of db~f+A aswell to continue the combo.

10. Pretty much the same as the above, and if you can do Trial 9 then you will be able to do this one.

Re: KOF XIII - Trial Mode Vids

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 07:10
by Dark_Chaotix

4. You have to do a shortcut for this combo. You do cB, cB, f+B, hcbf+C, hcb+A/C. You are also cancelling on the first hit.

5. Do a low hitting dp+C, so the qcb+D after qcb+BD all hit. Too high and it will whiff and only hit once.

6. I ran a little to get a bit closer and for it to hit lower. You are also cancelling on the first hit of dp+AC into qcb+D.

7. Again, as low as possible for the dp+C, as too high will make the qcb+D whiff.

8. The second kick of qcb+D after dp+A will whiff and that meant to happen. Give you enough time to do dp+C once you land.

9. There are two parts in this combo that can be difficult, depending on your skill level. The first one if the activation of BC after sB and the other is the dp+C, dp+AC, qcb+BD cancellation.

For the activation there is 2 ways to do it and the first is doing the late BC activation which give you sC at the same time. I personally do like this method as I don't like late activation method in general and I dont use it at all. The second way, and the way I did in this vid is to activate it early so it would be like cB, sB~BC. To me, it feel alot easier and moving forward helps complete the combo.

For the combo part, again there are two ways of doing it. The first way is to do a dp+C~AC, qcb+BD. This method if kinda hit and miss and you either get dp+C, qcf+AC instead and if your inputs are wrong you will get DM accidentally. How I did it in this vid was hcbf+C (give you dp+C) then dp+AC, qcb+BD. May seem like alot but it allows the correct moves to come out.

10. The f+A qfter qcf+C has to be done as soon as you are active. If you move or too slow it will whiff. Don't forget low hitting dp+C aswell.

Re: KOF XIII - Trial Mode Vids

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2015 23:38
by Dark_Chaotix

5. Shortcut to doing rising tackle to DM is while you are charging down, roll stick to stick from down to up (d, db, b, ub, u) +A/C for the rising tackle, then hcf+A/C for the DM. Make sure you are hitting all areas of the notation or qcb+A/C or instead of DM, you will get qcf+A/C.

7. Do all the dcu+A/C as late as possible.

8. Same as above

9. Same as trial 5 but this time you are doing the motion forward (d, df, f, uf,u) +A/C then qcf+A/C. Just be quick and precise in the inputs.

10. Make sure you change the notation as you will be switched to either side during the combo.

Re: KOF XIII - Trial Mode Vids

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2015 10:31
by Dark_Chaotix

4. cD is a spacer move that give you the correct time to cancel it into qcf+A.

5. If you are having trouble doing the DM quickly, you can do jD, qcf~b+C, qcf+C

8. Get used to the sequence and rhythm as it easy to go too fast and miss a step. When you get to the DM, make sure you let the stick go into neutral or else it you will get another move instead.

9. The hardest combo trial IMO. The trick to this combo is that there are multiple areas where button press shortcuts exist or else you will be doing moves you don't want. The first one is at the dp+C and qcf+A, and for that you want to do dp+C~A, then straight after that you do qcf+A, dp+A~A. Make sure you inputs are right or else you will get a DM instead.

The full transcript of the combo starting with dp+C would be
dp+C~A, qcf+A, dp+A~A, qcf+A, [dp+C~A, qcf+A]x3, hcb+BD

It takes a bit of getting used to and easy to get confused on. Also, have to hit the first qcf+A after dp+A really high and quick or else the dp+C will whiff.

10. Only difficult part would be the dp into DM, which can be done witha shortcut. The chortcut is hcb,f+A, hcf+A, hcb,f+C, hcf+C, NM

Re: KOF XIII - Trial Mode Vids

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 10:23
by Dark_Chaotix

3. Run slightly to get the df+C to hit meaty.

4. Hit df+C late so the qcb+C hits.

9. Have to do air qcb+AC late and low to the ground so the NM hits. Too early or too high and it

Re: KOF XIII - Trial Mode Vids

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 10:24
by Dark_Chaotix

3. cC is a tight link ( 1 frame ), so it takes a bit of practice to get it down.

4. Use D version of hcf as it goes further and easier to do the rest of the combo.

6. Hold uf and keep tapping C to get air throw

7. Last qcb+A has to be timed to it hits high or else the qcb+C or air throw won't connect properly

8. Input NM quick, even tho qcf+C hasn't hit yet

10. Move back slightly after doing qcb+AC so qcb+C hits twice. Has to be done fairly high too or else they drop. If done right, the rest of the combo is easy.

Re: KOF XIII - Trial Mode Vids

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 13:08
by Dark_Chaotix

4. Have to hit him about half a body length from the ground. Too high or too low, the dp will whiff

5. Do the first dp+BD as soon as you land to get more time to do cC

6. Small jump for jA into qcf+BD. cB, sC can be tricky and its similar to Kyo. No pausing in between attacks.

7. Air qcf+B as close to ground as possible to link cB into sC. For the air qcf+B and BC together, pause for a few frames then do qcf~uf+BC. For any of the dp+A parts, have to let them fall a bit or else you will beoff the ground and can HDC.

8. For the dp+A HDC dp+D loops, you have to do the full notations. You can't do dp+A~D as it will do air fireball instead. Also, do hit them too early in the air as you won't be able to follow up.

Re: KOF XIII - Trial Mode Vids

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 13:09
by Dark_Chaotix

4. Small hyper hop jump in so you get the close sC hit. Also, do a late dp+D or else DM will come out. the sD has to be close sD (which is the knee) as that is cancellable. There is no need to rush the follow up move in the air.

7. The idea is to keep the opponent slightly higher than you by the time you do qcb+BD in the air. If the opponent is too low, the SDM will whiff.

8. Do qcf+A/C to hit meaty, so you have to time it. Not done properly and the next move will whiff.

9. The dp+D after air qcb+D has to be delayed, or else it will whiff. The NM you have to be close so you get the last hit, which is what hits the opponent higher to link the SDM. Have to run slightly to but don't do too close ot the ground or else you will get the full NM animation.

10. The hardest part of this combo is delaying the qcf+A/C after the df+B. Doing it too early and the qcf+A/C will whiff, so you have to do it late. When you do do qcf+A/C have to do the followup straight away and into qcb+D.

The sC doesn;t have to be hit straight away after qcb+D as the opponent will still be in hit stun, but its that transition from quick inputs to delay and quick again.

The NM HDC can also can be tricky and I would suggest practicing it separately. It's slightly after the ender of the DM hits.

Re: KOF XIII - Trial Mode Vids

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 08:41
by Dark_Chaotix

2. qcb+B, f+B is a tight link.

4. Get used to doing multiple jumps with air jB, f+B and f+BD as there are a few trials that have it. For this one, jD hits late and quick jB as f+BD give you time to land and do sC

7. This trial was a bit difficult for me as I kept missing the second EX rekkas but eventually I got it. You have to pause slightly before doing the first set of EX rekkas or else you will go under the opponent and do an fb instead. The next part you have to quickly do qcf+B then into EX rekkas again and hit them on the first and second hit as the third will whiff. I found i was either too slow and it whiffed completely or I didn't complete the full rekkas.

8. Hardest part is the beginning as usual. Low hitting air f+B into f+BD then andother quick jump into the rest. Once you hit the ground, then rest of the combo is easy.

9 Easily his hardest combo trial and I would suggest learning this combo in 2 parts. First learn the HD combo as its still hard, its easier than the first part. Problem with this combo is that the fg wont hit or your rekkas are done too quick. When you do qcb+AC, you have to let it bounce the opponent up a bit so you have the correct height. If done right you will hit the opponent on first hit, whiff second and hit on the third. There is also a small delay between the first hit and second. Between second and third hit there is no delay. Do the same for the next fb part and the rest should be easy enough.

The first part of this combo is the most frustrating as you need pinpoint jumping ability to do this. When you do qcb+AC, you have to hit the opponent ASAP and dont make them move forward. Doing either will make opponent block the qcb+AC. Getting to the HD part all depends on the first jump in jB and it has to be late as possible but too late and f+BD will miss. If done right it allows you to do the next jB late which links f+B into sC. I kept not getting the sC because there is very minimal hit stun on f+B and isnt like f+BD, which is why you need to be late so you have enough time to land and do the rest of the combo.

This combo will take time to master but once you get it, feels good.

10. Last combo isnt too hard, just doing qcf+A, qcf+A HDC f+A feels unnatural for me, hence why you see the double tap of A.