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Re: Exploding Goldfish (Translation) Thread

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 19:17
by Toxic Avanger
Ash Crimson

Ryo Sakazaki
Robert Garcia
Takuma Sakazaki

Terry Bogard
Andy Bogard
Higashi Joe

Ralf Jones
Clark Still
Leona Heidern

Mai Shiranui
Yuri Sakazaki

Billy Kane

Hwa Jai

Athena Asamiya
Sie Kensou
Chin Gentsai

Kula Diamond

Iori Yagami

Kyo Kusanagi
Benimaru Nikaido
Goro Daimon

Iori with the power of flames

Nests style Kyo

Mr Karate

Elisabeth Blanctorche
Duo Lon
Shen Woo


Saiki (Boss)

Evil Ash

Additional Notes
ETC info about the translations, take as some sort of "foot notes" for some words that can be too broad on usage and a pain to understand, it's here.

Concepts, these are words that are not properly "used" by the characters but are concepts that can help to understand some things better. here

Re: Exploding Goldfish (Translation) Thread

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 19:18
by Toxic Avanger
Saiki over here

Fighting Style : Nikudansen
Birthplace : Unknown
Birthdate : Unknown
Height : 178cm (Unknown after transformation)
Weight : 59kg (Unknown after transformation)
Blood Type : O
Hobby : Nothing
Favorite Food : Nothing
Forte in sports : Nothing
Important things : Nothing
Disliked things : Nothing

* You might have noticed that profile grounds are pretty much the same for the both forms, my own explanation and notes are also the same.
* Nikudansen is 肉弾戦 , which is a warfare style in which soldiers fling themselves towards their enemies; 肉弾戦 can also be a slang for "hand to hand battle"; however I don't think these 2 fit the character; in another sense if we take 肉弾 on it's own, we have that it's a term coined when one uses something to cut the enemy's attack (like shooting bullets), aka the good old "keep away stlye" which fits Saiki much more; with that in mind a interpretation would be like "battling by cutting the enemy's path". I had to investigate this word a lot when XIII arcade was released.
* Most of his profile data is noted as 不明 (means unlisted, unknown, unidentified, etc)

The names of his official movelist where never disclosed, and since the team that designed him probably has split as of now; they likely never will be released. A lot of sites list Boss Saiki and playable Saiki's move names as being the same, but I believe that's wrong after all, most of the move names don't fit. For example for playable Saiki, the name of his grab DM implies that he is using his powers (flame) to maim the enemy; for boss Saiki he is merely using his enhanced tarman strength.

Since there is no movelist, I merely used slangs to identify the moves, if you are interested, they are :

"Atemi" [ 当て身 ] is a slang for "Atemi Nage" aka counter throw, the move for Geese. SNK calls their counter moves "Atemi" and so do I.
"Touseki" [ 投石 ] or "stone throwing", I still curse Final Fantasy Tactics for having me learning this for every character on every playthrough.
"Nage" [ 投げ ] "throw"
"Kiyoku no Tsuki" is the name of playable Saiki's fireball; the meaning kinda fits "Moon of Demon Sealing" (the tar does "seal" you)

Kasumi is the name of playable Saiki's NeoMax, personally I think that it doesn't fit the move, but I felt lazy looking up how to explain the concept of underground miasma release in a few kanjis.
"DM" is naturally "Desperation Move", since I was following japanese slangs I should have probably used "ChoHi" which is the slang for "Chou Hissatsu Waza", the "official" name for DMs, but pretty much every here knows what DM means and not everyone might know what ChoHi stands for.

Nagashiro Sounosuke

** copi-pasted from Ash **

Currently affiliated with TTB, or TV Talent Bureau; he is a voice actor that it's semi active in the Osaka Area.
Despise playing a main role in a fighting game as a debut, we have that he actually hasn't had a true breakthrough role that has pushed him to fame and has mostly small parts in TV ADs and Radio CMs.

I have always read rumors that he was training to be a Sushi cook and take over the family business, but that SNK got to know him by coincidence and pushing him over to try voice acting. While I haven't read too much about him to know if that's true or not, that would explain why SNK is so active into pushing roles for him.

Oh, and if you are asking, it's not unusual for voice actors to have more than 1 occupation; though for most famous VAs that other occupation is related to the industry (TV appearances, radio shows, signing, acting or something). If he never dropped the chef deal, that would make a lot of sense as he is not very active as a VA.

Nagashiro over TTB
His blog

Sources : jwiki, stupid things that I have read over the years.

Re: Exploding Goldfish (Translation) Thread

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 02:00
by Toxic Avanger
Evil Ash -> 血 の 螺旋 に 狂う アッシュ
Original name :
Dialog : Chi no rasen ni Kuruu Ash
Kana : 血 の 螺旋 に 狂う アッシュ
Meaning : "Enraged by the spiral of blood Ash"
Notes : 狂う is like "to go berserk"

Catch Copy :
Dialog : Kuraki Honoo
Kana : 冥き 炎
Meaning : "Dark Flame"
Notes : Has the implication that it became tinted in dark, rather than a flame that was natively black

Front Roll :
Dialog : Haッ
Kana : ハッ
No : Sample 17

Roll Recovery :
Dialog : Iizo
Kana : いいぞ
Meaning : That's it
No : Sample 18
Notes : It's a praise, like "that's good". If you want to really look into it, remember that he is looking for human energy, thus people that fight back strongly.

Blow Back Attack :
Dialog : Ha!
Kana : ハァ!
No : Sample 5

Throw Escape :
Dialog : Kuzu ga!
Kana : クズ が!
Meaning : "You are garbage"
No : Sample 6

Stun :
Dialog : * No Dialog *

Soft KO :
Dialog : U― Guaaa···
Kana : う― ぐああ···
No : Sample 15

Hard KO 1 :
Kana : うああああああ
No : Sample 13

Hard KO 2 :
Kana : ああああああ!!
No : Sample 14

Recompenses :
Dialog : Kuzu ga!
Kana : クズ が!
Meaning : "You are garbage"
No : Sample 6

Floreal :
Dialog : Ora!
Kana : おら!
No : Sample 33

Ventose :
Dialog 1 : Ora!
Kana : おら!
No : Sample 20
Notes : It's a way of calling out people, for this case it can be taken rudely
Dialog 2 : Ora Ora!
Kana : おら おら!
No : Sample 21
Notes : Dialog 1 is for the A version, dialog 2 is for the C version.

Nivose :
Dialog : Ora yo!
Kana : おら よ!
No : Sample 22
Notes : "Hey", could be a loose translation.
Dialog : Hora yo!
Kana : ほら よ!
Meaning : "Look here!"
No : Sample 23

Genie :
Dialog * No Dialog *

Germinal Caprice :
Dialog : Mezawari nanda yo!
Kana : 目障り なんだ よ!
Meaning : "You are so disgusting!"
No : Sample 31

Pluviose :
Dialog : Ora! Ora!! Orra!!!!
Kana : おら! おら!! おっら!!!!
No : 27 , 28 , 29
Notes : Again, a way of calling out people's atention.

Termidore :
Dialog : Haaaa!ーーー Hai ni nari na!
Kana : はああ!――― 灰 に なり な!
Meaning : "Haaaa! --- NOW TURN TO ASHES!"
No : Sample 25 , 26

Sans Culottes :
Dialog : Mushikera ga!
Kana : 虫けら が!
Meaning : "You worm!"
No : Sample 30

Germinal :
Dialog : Mezawari nanda yo!
Kana : 目障り なんだ よ!
Meaning : "You are so disgusting"
No : Sample 31

Fructidor :
Dialog 1 : Mushikera ga!
Kana : 虫けら が!
Meaning : "You worm!"
No : Sample 30
Dialog 2 : AHA HA HA HA!
Kana : アハハハハ!
No : Sample 31
Dialog 3 : Mezawari nanda yo!
Kana : 目障り なんだ よ!
Meaning : "You are so disgusting"
No : Sample 31
Notes : Dialog 1 is when the move is performed, 2 and 3 are as it hits and then ends.

Victory Pose :
Dialog : Mamonaku toki ga hai ni kawaru······
Kana : 間もなく 時が 灰 に 変わる······
Meaning : "In no time the Ashes will change......"
No : Sample 19
Note : "In little time" or "shortly" would be more direct, I think?

Additional Info here

Re: Exploding Goldfish (Translation) Thread

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 02:08
by Toxic Avanger
Evil Ash Here

Fighting Style : Self-Taught (Utilizes a unique type of flame)
Birthplace : Raised in France(?)
Birthdate : February 14
Height : 178cm
Weight : 59kg
Blood Type : O
Hobby : Unknown
Favorite Food : Unknown
Forte in sports : Unknown
Important things : Unknown
Disliked things : Unknown

* His profile has an extra field labeled "age", however it is left as "unknown" so I didn't bothered with it.
* His official profile also list that while the appearance is that of Ash, the one controlling the body is actually Saiki

-- Also note that since "it's not Ash" I didn't kept some personal traits such as saying yo and ne in katakana rather than hiragana like Ash does.

Evil Ash doesn't have a proper movelist as it hasn't been revealed by SNK; however since Evil Ash moves are visually identical to Ash moves, I used Ash movelist; however that isn't necessarily proof of anything this is only tentative at best (For example Saiki has moves that are identical to Ash, but have different move names)

Recompenses -> Reward
Floreal -> Floreal
Floreal (Kouhou) -> フロレアール(後方) -> Floreal (Back)

Ventose -> Windy
Nivose -> Snowy
Genie -> Genius
Germinal Caprice

Thermidor -> Summer Heat
Pluviose -> Rainy
Sans-culotte -> Without Pants
Germinal -> Germination
Fructidor -> Fruit

* Culotte is a type of pants used by the aristocracy, "without culottes" (sans culottes) was used to describe the poor people, the ones that caused the French Revolution, eventually it became a political faction thus it's relationship to the revolutionary calendar, which is from where Ash takes his move names.

* Everyone and their grandmother has told us that Ash moveset comes from the french revolution calendar, right? What's funny is that no one ever told us what each part of the calendar means.

Vendémiaire in French (from Latin vindemia, "grape harvest"), starting 22, 23 or 24 September
Brumaire (from French brume, "fog"), starting 22, 23 or 24 October
Frimaire (From French frimas, "frost"), starting 21, 22 or 23 November

Nivôse (from Latin nivosus, "snowy"), starting 21, 22 or 23 December
Pluviôse (from Latin pluvius, "rainy"), starting 20, 21 or 22 January
Ventôse (from Latin ventosus, "windy"), starting 19, 20 or 21 February

Germinal (from Latin germen, "germination"), starting 20 or 21 March
Floréal (from Latin flos, "flower"), starting 20 or 21 April
Prairial (from French prairie, "pasture"), starting 20 or 21 May

Messidor (from Latin messis, "harvest"), starting 19 or 20 June
Thermidor (or Fervidor) (from Greek thermon, "summer heat"), starting 19 or 20 July
Fructidor (from Latin fructus, "fruit"), starting 18 or 19 August

Nagashiro Sounosuke

** copi-pasted from Ash **

Currently affiliated with TTB, or TV Talent Bureau; he is a voice actor that it's semi active in the Osaka Area.
Despise playing a main role in a fighting game as a debut, we have that he actually hasn't had a true breakthrough role that has pushed him to fame and has mostly small parts in TV ADs and Radio CMs.

I have always read rumors that he was training to be a Sushi cook and take over the family business, but that SNK got to know him by coincidence and pushing him over to try voice acting. While I haven't read too much about him to know if that's true or not, that would explain why SNK is so active into pushing roles for him.

Oh, and if you are asking, it's not unusual for voice actors to have more than 1 occupation; though for most famous VAs that other occupation is related to the industry (TV appearances, radio shows, signing, acting or something). If he never dropped the chef deal, that would make a lot of sense as he is not very active as a VA.

Nagashiro over TTB
His blog

Sources : jwiki, stupid things that I have read over the years.