tom yum goong [tony jaa as god, once again]

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tom yum goong [tony jaa as god, once again]

Post by bluebird47 » Sat Aug 13, 2005 07:33

seeing tony jaa kick major ass in this movie almost bought a tear to my eye. i saw it in the cinema a few days ago, thailand and hk get it first and i saw the early show!

apart from a lot of pointless story that should have been edited out, and bad sound effects, all i can think of is how awesome jaa was.

u cud tell this movie was much higher budgeted than ong bak, they even filmed it in australia. there are a lot more man to man fights in this one, less yamakazi like this time, tony doesnt really run aorund town doing courses flipping through glass and stuff like in ong bak.

there's one scene where tony jaa just breaks the bones of 30 extras in one go.

his enemies notably include a guy who fights capeoria, a guy who uses swordplay, 3 extremely buff guys and an extremely buff tuff bald guy, a guy with mixed martial arts [johnny] like tony, a woman who uses a whip, this guy on a quad bike, etc.

in the beginning of the film there's a little joke thing where tony bumps into someone in the airport who looks like jackie chan. they have a 2 second staredown then jackie lookalike apologetically goes "sorry" and goes off. tony's idols growing up includes jackie chan, who inspired him to not use wires. damn right, SCREW WIRES! SCREW STUNT DOUBLES! [on a interesting note, i found out that tony jaa was actually robin shue's stunt double in mortal kombat 2]

if u dont watch this movie u dont deserve to call urself a martial arts movie fan!

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Post by Gunsmith » Sat Jan 07, 2006 21:30

the direction was AWFUL, the story is like some rip off of Rumble in the Bronx with elephants thrown in. But hey stories were never much point in martial art flicks.

some of the moves just aren't very aesthetically pleasing (some sloppy movements from both Ja and opponents) but jesus they don't half break some ligaments... very painful!

and well, flying knees that would make Joe Higashi weep

oooh did I see Nathan Jones, jesus he's gotten big

yeah I recommend at least to catch up on new ways to kick ass, not that you could ever really imitate it...

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